Business Intelligence Courses
Learning Tree's Business Intelligence Courses offer a range of opportunities for learners to master Power BI and SQL programming. Learners will gain skills in data management, analysis, visualization, and report creation through a variety of courses tailored to different skill levels and objectives. These courses equip learners with the ability to turn data into valuable business insights, improving organizational decision-making and efficiency.
Learning Tree
In this Introduction to Machine Learning course, you'll create and train models using no-code solutions, drag-and-drop tools, prepare and analyse data, and explore ready-to-use models for various tasks.
No Code Machine Learning, Data Evaluation, Prediction, Analysis, Optimization, Non-Technical Users, Technical Data Users, Business Analysts, Data Scientists, Data Engineers, In-Person Training, Online Training, Machine Learning Models, Drag-and-Drop Tools, Data Preparation, Data Analysis, Pre-built Pipelines, Algorithms, Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, Clustering Models, Regression Models, Classification Models, Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS, Datasets, Machine Learning Platforms, Visual Tools, Point-and-Click Tools, Training Models, Machine Learning Use Cases, Numeric Value Prediction, Item Categorization, No Coad Machine Lerning, Data Evalution, Predikshon, Analyzis, Optimezation, Non-Technikal Users, Teknical Data Usars, Bisness Analysts, Datta Scintists, Data Engeneers, In-Persun Training, Onlein Training, Mashine Learning Modles, Drag-and-Droop Toools, Data Preparashon, Data Analyzis, Pre-bilt Pipelins, Algorithems, Natchural Language Procesing, Computor Vizion, Clusturing Modals, Regreshion Modles, Classificashun Modles, Microsoft Azur, Amazun AWS, Datasits, Mashine Lerning Platfarms, Vizual Toools, Point-and-Clik Toools, Training Modles, Mashine Lerning Uce Cases, Numeric Valeu Prediction, Itum Categorizashon, No Code Machine Learning, Datautvärdering, Prediktion, Analys, Optimering, Icke-tekniska Användare, Tekniska Dataanvändare, Affärsanalytiker, Dataforskare, Dataingenjörer, Utbildning På Plats, Onlineutbildning, Maskininlärningsmodeller, Dra-och-Släpp-Verktyg, Datapreparering, Dataanalys, Förbyggda Pipelines, Algoritmer, Naturlig Språkbehandling, Datorseende, Klustermodeller, Regressionsmodeller, Klassificeringsmodeller, Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS, Dataset, Maskininlärningsplattformar, Visuella Verktyg, Pek-och-Klicka-Verktyg, Träna Modeller, Användningsfall för Maskininlärning, Prediktion av Numeriska Värden, Kategorisering av Föremål
Foundation2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 23 730 kr -
Learning Tree
This hands-on introduction takes you on a transformative journey from raw data to invaluable insights, leveraging the power of data and AI.
Introduction to Big Data, Big Data training, data science training, structured data, unstructured data, data management, data processing, data analysis, meaningful insights, live training, instructor-led training, on-demand training, blended training, tool output, business gain, massive amounts of data, extract insights, bigdata, big-data, datascience, data-management, data-processing, data-analysis Introduktion till stora datamängder, utbildning i stora datamängder, utbildning i datavetenskap, strukturerad data, ostrukturerad data, datahantering, dataprocessering, dataanalys, meningsfulla insikter, live-utbildning, instruktörsledd utbildning, efterfrågan-utbildning, blandad utbildning, verktygsutmatning, företagsvinst, massiva datamängder, extrahera insikter, stavfel bigdata, big-data, datavetenskap, datahantering, dataprocessering, dataanalys.
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 26 110 kr -
Learning Tree
Join our hands-on 3-day course to build practical skills in NLP and Generative AI training to develop advanced AI models like ChatGPT from OpenAI.
3-day course,Building Practical Skills in NLP and Generative AI,Generative AI,ChatGPT,OpenAI,Natural Language Processing (NLP),advanced architectures,Generative AI,modules,hands-on labs,Skills in NLP and Generative AI Training Delivery Methods,In-Person,Online,Training Information,Understanding of NLP and Generative AI,Applying Advanced AI Techniques,GRUs,LSTMs,Transformer architectures,Transitioning from traditional NLP to modern methods,Bag-of-Words,word embeddings,advanced neural networks,Lack of practical AI experience,Training Prerequisites,Python programming,machine learning,deep learning,Training Outline,Day 1,Understanding NLP and Sequential Data Processing,Introduction to Natural Language Processing (NLP),Overview of NLP,Traditional NLP Techniques,Bag-of-Words (BoW),Lab 1,Text Classification,Moving to Word Embeddings,Word2Vec,GloVe,Applying NLP,Sentiment Analysis,Lab 2,Restaurant Review Sentiment Analysis,Sequential Data in NLP,Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs),Gated Recurrent Units (GRUs),Lab 3,Text Generation,Day 2,Deep Dive into Advanced Neural Networks and Generative AI,Long Short-Term Memory Networks (LSTM),Lab 4,Autoencoders,Sequence-to-Sequence Models (Seq2Seq),Lab 5,Machine Translation,Attention Mechanisms,Transformers,BERT,GPT,Lab 6,Language Models (LLMs),Deep and Wide Architectures in AI,future trends,generative AI,2-day coruse,Bulding Practical Skills in NLP and Generative AI,Gnerative AI,ChatGPT,OpneAI,Natural Language Procesing (NLP),advnced architectures,Genrative AI,moduels,hands-on lbas,Skills in NLP and Generative AI Training Delivery Mthods,In-Person,Oline,Training Informatin,Understanding of NLP and Generative AI,Applying Advanced AI Techniqes,GRUs,LSTMs,Trasnformer architectures,Transitioning from traditional NLP to mdoern methods,Bag-of-Wrds,word embeddins,advanced neural ntworks,Lack of practical AI experiene,Training Prerequisits,Python programmng,machine learnin,deep learnig,Training Otline,Day 1,Understanding NLP and Sequential Data Procesing,Introduction to Natural Language Procesing (NLP),Overview of NPL,Traditional NLP Techinques,Bag-of-Words (BoW),Lab 1,Text Classifcation,Moving to Word Embeddngs,Word2Vec,Glve,Applying NPL,Sentiment Analisis,Lab 2,Restaurant Review Sentiment Analisis,Sequential Data in NPL,Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs),Gated Recurrent Units (GRUs),Lab 3,Text Generatin,Day 2,Deep Dive into Advanced Neural Networks and Generative AI,Long Short-Term Memory Networks (LSTM),Lab 4,Autencoders,Sequence-to-Sequence Models (Seq2Seq),Lab 5,Machine Traslation,Attention Mechanisms,Tranformers,BERT,GPT,Lab 6,Language Models (LLMs),Deep and Wide Architectures in AI,future trend,generative AI,2-dagars kurs,Att bygga praktiska färdigheter i NLP och generativ AI,Generativ AI,ChatGPT,OpenAI,Natural Language Processing (NLP),avancerade arkitekturer,Generativ AI,moduler,hands-on labb,Färdigheter i NLP och generativ AI-utbildningens leveransmetoder,På plats,Online,Utbildningsinformation,Förståelse av NLP och generativ AI,Tillämpning av avancerade AI-tekniker,GRUer,LSTMer,Transformer-arkitekturer,Övergång från traditionell NLP till moderna metoder,Bag-of-Words,ord inbäddningar,avancerade neurala nätverk,Brist på praktisk AI-erfarenhet,Utbildningsförutsättningar,Python programmering,maskinlärning,djupinlärning,Utbildningsschema,Dag 1,Förståelse för NLP och sekventiell datahantering,Introduktion till Natural Language Processing (NLP),Översikt över NLP,Traditionella NLP-tekniker,Bag-of-Words (BoW),Lab 1,Textklassificering,Övergång till ord inbäddningar,Word2Vec,GloVe,Tillämpning av NLP,Känslanalys,Lab 2,Restaurangrecension Känslanalys,Sekventiell data i NLP,Rekurrenta neurala nätverk (RNNs),Gated Recurrent Units (GRUs),Lab 3,Textgenerering,Dag 2,Djupdykning i avancerade neurala nätverk och generativ AI,Lång korttidsminnesnätverk (LSTM),Lab 4,Autoenkodare,Sequence-to-Sequence-modeller (Seq2Seq),Lab 5,Maskinöversättning,Upmärksamhetsmekanismer,Transformatorer,BERT,GPT,Lab 6,Språkmodeller (LLMs),Djupa och breda arkitekturer i AI,framtida trender,generativ AI,ytterligare läsning och studier
Advanced3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 24 920 kr -
Learning Tree
Master AI in cybersecurity attack and defense. Dive into AI's role in cybersecurity. Boost your skills now!
nist ai risk management framework, security information and event management, natural language processing course, team training, cyber security, machine learning, learning tree, federated learning, risk assessment and management, security automation, security teams, artificial intelligence ai, wide range, security information and event, information and event management, open source, training data, machine learning algorithms, sensitive data, volumes of data, security solutions, driving cars, data breach, deep neural networks, cyber threats, threat hunting, log data, training models, large scale, mobile devices, AI cybersecurity, attack, defend, training, course, AI cybersäkerhet, attack, försvar, utbildning, kurs
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 23 730 kr -
Learning Tree
Attend this hands-on Jupyter Notebooks & Python course & learn Anaconda distribution libraries, explore machine learning models with real datasets & more.
Applied Data Science, Python, Jupyter, Anaconda, machine learning, datasets, reproducible data processing pipelines, visualisations, prediction models, programming fundamentals, Python libraries, Pandas, Matplotlib, scikit-learn, open source tools, data-science applications, hands-on course Appled Data Science Pyton Jupitor Anakonda maching learning datsets reproducable data processing pipelines visualizations predicion models programing fundamentals Pythin libraries Pandus Matplotlip scikit learn opensource tools data science aplicatons handson course Tillämpad datavetenskap, Python, Jupyter, Anaconda, maskininlärning, dataset, reproducerbara dataprocesspipeliner, visualiseringar, prediktionsmodeller, programmeringsgrunder, Python-bibliotek, Pandas, Matplotlib, scikit-learn, öppna källverktyg, datavetenskapsapplikationer, praktisk kurs. Appled Data Science Pyton Jupitor Anakonda maching learning datsets reproducable data processing pipelines visualizations predicion models programing fundamentals Pythin libraries Pandus Matplotlip scikit learn opensource tools data science aplicatons handson course
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from 8 830 kr -
Learning Tree
This AI ML Data Science Python course teaches you how to use Python libraries to build, evaluate, & deploy Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence models.
Introduction to Data Science, Machine Learning & AI using Python, CHAT GPT, , CHAT , CHAT GPTT, AI ML Data Science Python Course, Data Science, Python, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Course, Training, Libraries, Build, Evaluate, Deploy, Models, Insights, Data, Lifecycle, Manage, Transform, Visualize, Raw Data, Predictive Models, Future Opportunities, Mis-spellings Datascience, Pyton, Machin Learnin, Artifical Intelligance, Traning, Libaries, Insigts, Lyfecycle, Manag, Transfrm, Vizualize, Predective, Modles.
Foundation5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 36 330 kr -
Learning Tree
In this Introduction to Julia Programming for Artificial Intelligence course, learn the fundamentals of coding in Julia.
CHAT GPT, , CHAT , CHAT GPTT, Julia programming, machine learning, AI, algorithms, development environment, high performance, scripting environment, Python, compiled languages, C, Fortran, coding, programming techniques, cutting-edge, fundamentals. Jullia programming mahcine learning artifical intelligence algorithims developement environment hi performance Pyton compilled languages codding programing techniques cuting-edge fundementals Julia-programmering, maskininlärning, AI, algoritmer, utvecklingsmiljö, hög prestanda, skriptmiljö, Python, kompilerade språk, C, Fortran, kodning, programmeringstekniker, toppmoderna, grundläggande principer. Jullia-programmering mahcine learning artifical intelligence algorithims developement environment hi performance Pyton compilled languages codding programing techniques cuting-edge fundementals
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 23 730 kr -
Learning Tree
Work with time series data and R statistical modeling language in the Time Series Analysis Using R course.
r, Microsoft r, time series, data points, chronologically, finance, stock prices, marketing, new customers, sales, health, infections, deaths, science, earthquakes, analysis, R, statistics, forecasting, trend analysis, seasonality, autocorrelation, time sereis, dat apoints, financ, stalk prices, markeitng, helth, infetions, deths, scienc, eartquakes, analisys, Ahr, stattistics, forcasting, treand analysis, seasonaltiy, autocorellation, r, Microsoft r, time series analysis, R, chronologically, finance, stock prices, marketing, new customers, sales, health, infections, deaths, science, earthquakes, data points, contexts, trends, forecasting, modeling, seasonality, autocorrelation, outliers, time serie analysis, time series analisys, R programming, stock price analysis, sales trend analysis, health data analysis, earthquake forecasting, time series modeling. tidsserieanalys, R, kronologiskt, finans, aktiepriser, marknadsföring, nya kunder, försäljning, hälsa, infektioner, dödsfall, vetenskap, jordbävningar, datapunkter, sammanhang, trender, prognoser, modellering, säsongsvariation, autokorrelation, avvikande värden, stavfel tidsserieanalys, tidsserieanalys, R-programmering, analys av aktiepriser, analys av försäljningstrender, analys av hälsodata, prognos av jordbävningar, tidsseriemodellering.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from 8 830 kr -
Learning Tree
Learn NLP techniques & neural network architecture selection in this course on Natural Language Processing.
CHAT GPT, CHAT, CHATGPT, GPT, CHATGPTT, Bard, Bings AI Chat Bot, AI Chat Bot, AI ChatBot, Chat Bot, ChatBot, Natural Language Processing, NLP, text pre-processing, neural network, deep learning, language modelling, sentiment analysis, text classification, word embedding, tokenisation, syntax analysis, analysis, machine learning, artificial intelligence, data mining, information retrieval, text mining, information extraction, named entity recognition, topic modelling, mispelling Natural Langage Processing, NLP, deep learningg, languge modelling, sentiment anlysis, text classifcation, word embeding, tokennisation, syntax anlysis, semntic analysis, machne learning, artficial intelligence, data minig, information retrival, text minig, information extractin, named entitiy recognition, topic modling, , part-of-speech taggin, steming, tokeniztion. Naturlig språkbehandling, NLP, textförbehandling, neural nätverksarkitektur, djupinlärning, maskininlärning, datamining, informationsåtervinning, sentimentanalys, textklassificering, textklustering, textsummering, stavkontroll, språkmodellering, namngiven enhetsigenkänning, ordklassificering, stamning, tokenisering, stavfel Naturlig Langage Processing, NLP, texförbehandling, neural nätverksarkitektur, djupinlärning, maskininlärning, datamining, informationsåtervinning, sentimentanalys, texklassificering, texklustering, texsummering, speelkontroll, språkmodellering, namngiven enhetigenkänning, ordklassificering, stamning, tokenisering.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 23 730 kr -
Learning Tree
This Data Analytics Introduction provides a clear understanding of data analytics's purpose, tools, and techniques.
data analytics, data analysis, data strategy, data planning, digital strategy, data tools, data techniques, data understanding, data value, data evolution, data organization, data employees, dat analytics, data analitics, data analisys, data strtategy, data planing, digitl strategy, dat tooles, dat techniqes, dat undrstanding, dat valyu, dat evolushun, dat orgnization, dat employes dataanalys, dataanalys, datastrategi, dataplanering, digital strategi, dataverktyg, datatekniker, dataförståelse, datavärde, datautveckling, dataorganisation, dataanställda, stavfel datanalys, dataanalitik, dataanalys, datastrategi, dataplanering, digital strategi, dataverktyg, datatekniker, datatillstånd, datavärde, datavolution, dataorganisation, dataanställda.
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 19 530 kr -
Learning Tree
Learn to use and communicate data effectively with our Data Literacy Training. No prerequisites. Join professionals from all fields.
data literacy, understand data, use data, communicate data, interpret data, enterprise data, trusted insights, organisational level, data-literate workforce, meaningful conversations, knowledge, read data, drive value, data literacy course, data as information, data comprehension, data communication, data execution, data insights, data interpretation, data understanding, data usage, data sharing, data conversation, data knowledge, data value, data course, data information, data comprehension dataskicklighet, förstå data, använda data, kommunicera data, tolka data, företagsdata, betrodda insikter, organisationsnivå, dataskicklig arbetsstyrka, meningsfulla samtal, gemensam kunskap, läsa data, driva värde, dataskicklighetskurs, data som information, datatolkning, datakommunikation, datautförande, datainsikter, datatolkning, dataförståelse, dataanvändning, datadelning, datasamtal, datakunskap, datavärde, datakurs, datainformation, datatolkning.
Foundation2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 18 830 kr -
Learning Tree
This 1-day introduction to Data Management Tools, provides the knowledge & skills to make effective Machine Learning and AI business & technical decisions.
Big Data, big data technologies, big data trends, big data insights, data solutions, big data platforms, big data tools, big data adoption, technical decisions, business decisions, big data deployment, data analytics, data processing, data management, data warehousing, data visualisation, data science, database management, modern data management, data engineering, data architecture, data mining, data security, big dta, big dat, big date, big ata, big dat a, big dataa, Big Data, Data Analytics, Data Science, Data Management, Data Warehousing, Data Mining, Data Insights, Data Trends, Big Data Platforms, Big Data Tools, Big Data Technologies, Big Data Solutions, Big Data Adoption, Big Data Deployment, Business Intelligence, Data-driven Decision Making, Data-driven Insights, Data-driven Strategies, Mis-spellings Big Dta, Big Dataa, Data Anlytics, Data Sceince, Data Managment, Data Warehosing, Data Mning. Stora data, dataanalys, datavetenskap, datahantering, datalagring, datamining, datainsikter, datatrender, stora dataplattformar, stora dataverktyg, stora datateknologier, stora datasolutions, stora dataanvändning, stora datadeployment, affärsintelligens, datadriven beslutsfattande, datadrivna insikter, datadrivna strategier, stavfel Stor Dta, Stor Dataa, Data Anlytics, Data Sceince, Data Managment, Data Warehosing, Data Mning.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from 4 950 kr -
Learning Tree
Learn Python for data analytics: clean, manipulate, and mine data. Evaluate model performance with numpy, pandas, scipy, and scikit-learn.
Python, data analytics, programming, statistical computing, numPy, Pandas, sciPy, Scikit-learn, business questions, eBooks, on-demand courses, instructor-led course, review sessions, pyton, dat analytics, programing, statstical computing, numpy, pandas, scypy, scikit learn, busines questions Python, data analytics, programming, statistical computing, NumPy, Pandas, SciPy, Scikit-learn, business questions, eBooks, on-demand courses, instructor-led course, review sessions, Python, data analytics, programming, statistical computing, NumPy, Pandas, SciPy, Scikit-learn, business questions.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classBundleStarts from 7 700 kr -
Learning Tree's Azure AI Fundamentals training provides fundamental concepts related to artificial intelligence in Microsoft Azure to create AI solutions.
AI900, CHAT GPT, CHAT , CHAT GPTT, Microsoft Azure, AI, artificial intelligence, solutions, services, data scientists, software developers, workloads, hands-on exercises, Learn modules, reference materials, explore topics, depth, training, course, fundamentals, awareness, support, identify, typical, professional, Microsft, Azuer, artifical, intellegence, solutons, servics, datascientists, softwer, worklods, Lern, moduels, refrence, materiels, expore, toppics, traiing, fundementals, awarness, suport, idenfity, typicl, proffesional. Microsoft Azure, AI, artificiell intelligens, lösningar, tjänster, datavetare, mjukvaruutvecklare, arbetsbelastningar, praktiska övningar, Lär-moduler, referensmaterial, utforska ämnen, djup, utbildning, kurs, grundläggande kunskaper, medvetenhet, stöd, identifiera, typiska, professionella, stavfel Microsft, Azuer, artifical, intellegence, solutons, servics, datascientists, softwer, worklods, Lern, moduels, refrence, materiels, expore, toppics, traiing, fundementals, awarness, suport, idenfity, typicl, proffesional.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from 9 170 kr -
Learning Tree's Microsoft Azure AI Solution training course is intended for software developers wanting to build AI infused applications and more.
AI102, CHAT GPT, CHAT , CHAT GPTT, Microsoft Azure, AI-102, Azure Cognitive Services, Azure Cognitive Search, Microsoft Bot Framework, C#, Python, JSON, REST, computer vision, language analysis, knowledge mining, intelligent search, conversational AI, training, software developers, programming language, APIs, deployment, managing, AI solutions, knowledge, navigation, Microsft Azuer, AI102, Azure Cogntive Services, Azure Cogntive Search, Micrsoft Bot Framework, C sharp, Pyton, JSon, REST programming, computer vison, launguage analsis, inteligent search, converational AI, trainning, software developpers, programming langauge, API, deploying, managin, AI solutons, knowlege, navigatoin.
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 30 730 kr -
Learning Tree
This hands-on Introduction to Artificial Intelligence course will introduce you to the key concepts in modern AI and discuss how they apply to you and your business.
Introduction to AI,Key concepts in modern AI,Hands-on AI,Challenges of AI adoption,Artificial Intelligence Training,Confidence in AI,Artificial Intelligence for businesses,Machine learning,Uniform decision-making,Deep learning,Interpret images,AI limitations,AI risks,Module 1,What is Artificial Intelligence?,AI terms,AI technologies,AI constraints,AI limitations,Define intelligence,Module 2,Machines that learn,Machine learning,Benefits of AI,AI best practices,AI effectiveness,Module 3,Image recognition,Neural networks,Teaching neural networks,Classify complex images,Module 4,Chatbots,Generative AI,AI applications,Generative AI potential,Module 5,Protecting AI Systems,AI security,AI risks,Protecting your business,Protecting your privacy,Module 6,AI society and ethics,Biases in AI,Ethical use of AI,AI impact on society,Business context of AI,Module 7,The future of AI,AI threat on humanity,Future of work,AI in business future, Introduktion till AI,Nyckelkoncept inom modern AI,Hands-on AI,Utmaningar med AI-adoption,Artificiell Intelligensutbildning,Självförtroende i AI,Artificiell intelligens för företag,Maskininlärning,Uniformt beslutsfattande,Djupinlärning,Tolkning av bilder,AI begränsningar,AI risker,Modul 1,Vad är artificiell intelligens?,AI-termer,AI-teknologier,AI-begränsningar,AI-begränsningar,Definiera intelligens,Modul 2,Maskiner som lär sig,Maskininlärning,Fördelar med AI,AI bästa praxis,AI effektivitet,Modul 3,Bildigenkänning,Neurala nätverk,Undervisa neurala nätverk,Klassificera komplexa bilder,Modul 4,Chattbots,Generativ AI,AI-applikationer,Generativ AI potential,Modul 5,Att skydda AI-system,AI-säkerhet,AI risker,Skydda ditt företag,Skydda din integritet,Modul 6,AI, samhälle och etik,Bias inom AI,Etisk användning av AI,AI:s påverkan på samhället,Affärssammanhang av AI,Modul 7,AI:s framtid,AI-hot mot mänskligheten,Framtiden för arbete,AI i affärsframtid
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from 9 730 kr -
Learning Tree
This 1-hour ChatGPT for Business Users: On-Demand course will explore Conversational AI and develop your own Prompt Engineer to streamline prompt creation and ensure accurate responses.
OnDemand course, Conversational AI, ChatGPT, related terms, applications, business, personal life, day-to-day activities, office, optimize features, prompts, responses, improve results, Prompt Engineer, streamline prompt creation, accurate responses, familiarize, daily use, valuable tips, utilizing effectively, develop skills, detailed prompts, optimal results, Business Users, On-Demand Training Outline, Introduction, comprehensive understanding, practical ways, daily interactions, Getting Started, guide, better results, queries, Engineering, customization, personalized prompts, best responses, specific business use cases,OnDemand-kurs, Konversationell AI, ChatGPT, relaterade termer, applikationer, affär, personligt liv, vardagliga aktiviteter, kontor, optimera funktioner, uppmaningar, svar, förbättra resultat, Prompt Engineer, effektivisera skapandet av uppmaningar, korrekta svar, bekanta sig, daglig användning, värdefulla tips, utnyttja effektivt, utveckla färdigheter, detaljerade uppmaningar, optimala resultat, Affärsanvändare, On-Demand-utbildningsplan, Introduktion, omfattande förståelse, praktiska sätt, dagliga interaktioner, Komma igång, guide, bättre resultat, förfrågningar, Teknik, anpassning, personliga uppmaningar, bästa svar, specifika affärsfall.
FoundationLess than a dayOn-DemandStarts from 990 kr -
Learning Tree
In this Graph Databases for Data Analytics and AI Training course, you will learn how databases for graph data can support data analytics and artificial intelligence in ways not practical with traditional relational databases.
In this Graph Databases for Data Analytics and AI Training course, you will learn how databases for graph data can support data analytics and artificial intelligence in ways not practical with traditional relational databases. You will see practical and profitable use cases and understand the importance of graph data in today’s world. You will master the practical aspects of importing and exporting data for graph databases, and how graph databases are searched and queried. Graph databases are also ideal for the representation of human knowledge, not just simple facts. You will understand how knowledgebase graphs integrate with artificial intelligence systems and learn to use these systems to provide business analyses and insights. Why Graph Databases are Important Objectives: • Understand what graph data is and why it is important • Explore a few or the many practical applications of graph databases Contents: • What are graphs? • How graphs are used to provide structure to data • Business use-cases of graph databases Module 2: Foundations of Graphs and Graph Data Objectives: • Storing graph data in simple files • What is a relational database? • How graph databases differ from traditional relational databases Contents: • How graphs are used to provide structure to data o Graph software • Graph data in files o File format alternatives o Scripts for manipulating and characterising graph data • Diagramming graphs o Diagramming graphs with Python o Using GraphViz software Module 3: Graph Database Platforms Objectives: • Examine commercial graph database systems • Understand the differences among graph database systems Contents: • Options for graph database systems • Introduction to Neo4j • Introduction to GraphDB • Introduction to CogniPy Module 4: Querying and Analysing Graph Data Objectives: • Learn how to query data in a graph database • Understand the differences among graph database query languages Contents: • Using the Neo4j browser • The Cypher® graph query language o Structure of Cypher® queries o Viewing and interpreting query results • Other graph query languages • GraphQL • Gremlin • SPARQL Module 5: Using Graph Database APIs to Build Systems Objectives: • Understand how APIs are used to build a system • Explore some examples using Python Contents: • Using Python to manage and query a Neo4j graph database • How graphs are used to provide structure to data Module 6: Knowledge Graphs Objectives: • Learn how human knowledge can be represented in graph data using semantic nets • Create a simple knowledge graph • Understand ontologies Contents: • Semantic nets and the Resource Description Framework (RDF) o Formats for representing RDF triples • Ontologies o The structure of ontology documents o Tools for creating and editing ontologies o Protege and other Tools • Semantic Nets and Knowledge graphs o Loading knowledge graphs into a graph database o Applying logic-based “reasoners” to knowledge graphs Module 7: Graph Neural Networks Objectives: • Understand the Need for “Hybrid” AI • Applying convolutional neural networks to graph data Contents: • “Hybrid” AI o Creating graph neural networks • Applying convolutional neural networks to graph data o Review the basics of convolutional neural networks o Training the hybrid AI
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 23 950 kr -
Learning Tree
In this Automating Prompt Engineering with Python Training, you will use the latest and most powerful python and LangChain tools to unlock sustainable business value and get the most value out of artificial intelligence.
5-day, Automating, Prompt Engineering, Python, cutting-edge, artificial intelligence, latest, powerful, LangChain, automate, agents, creative ambition, controlled responsibility, sustainable, business value, Training Delivery Methods, In-Person, Online, Training Information, Benefits, best practice, large language models, framework, techniques, prompt templates, chains, vector embeddings, automated AI tools, public data, autonomous, practical, real-time, competitor analysis, dynamic marketing, insightful, recruitment, industries, Training Prerequisites, write, run, basic Python scripts, principles, libraries, API calls, Working knowledge, writing prompts, chat models, various, AI outputs, AI-generated, conversations, hallucinations, Training Outline, Accordion, drop down header, Introduction, Why, required, advanced, overview, tools, LLM, search, retrievers, Querying, deep dive, In-depth, Hands-on exercises, injection, sequencing, Day 3, Agents, Automation, Configuring, Monitoring, debugging, readiness, production, Day 4, theory, templates, Creating, effective, Injecting, dynamic data, Storing, outputs, vector databases, scaling, Day 5, Commercial, Use Cases, Assessment, Real-world, Hands-on workshop, solving, sample, challenges, Developing, end-to-end, Presentations, review, Capstone assessment, new, future applications, 5-dagars, Automatisering, Prompt Engineering, Python, banbrytande, artificiell intelligens, senaste, kraftfull, LangChain, automatisera, agenter, kreativ ambition, kontrollerat ansvar, hållbar, affärsvärde, Utbildningsleveransmetoder, Personligen, Online, Utbildningsinformation, Fördelar, bästa praxis, stora språkmodeller, ramverk, tekniker, prompt-mallar, kedjor, vektorembeddingar, automatiserade AI-verktyg, offentliga data, autonom, praktisk, realtid, konkurrentanalys, dynamisk marknadsföring, insiktsfull, rekrytering, industrier, Förkunskapskrav, skriva, köra, grundläggande Python-skript, principer, bibliotek, API-anrop, Arbetskunskap, skriva prompts, chattmodeller, olika, AI-utdata, AI-genererade, konversationer, hallucinationer, Utbildningsöversikt, Dragspel, fäll ner rubrik, Introduktion, Varför, nödvändig, avancerad, översikt, verktyg, LLM, sökning, retrievers, Frågeformulering, djupdykning, I detalj, Hands-on övningar, injektion, sekvensering, Dag 3, Agenter, Automation, Konfigurering, Övervakning, felsökning, beredskap, produktion, Dag 4, teori, mallar, Skapande, effektiv, Injicering, dynamiska data, Lagring, utdata, vektordatabaser, skalning, Dag 5, Kommersiell, Användningsfall, Bedömning, Verkliga världen, Hands-on workshop, lösa, exempel, utmaningar, Utveckling, ände-till-ände, Presentationer, granskning, Slutexamination, ny, framtida applikationer, Automating: Autamating, Automting, Automatng Prompt Engineering: Promt Engineering, Prompt Engeneering, Promt Enginering, Python: Pyhton, Pithon, Pythn, Cutting-edge: Cuttin-edge, Cuting-edge, Cuttng-edge, Artificial Intelligence: Artifical Intelligence, Artifitial Intelligence, Artificial Inteligence, LangChain: LangChian, LangChan, LangChainn, Automate: Autmate, Automat, Automte, Agents: Agants, Agnets, Agentz, Creative Ambition: Cretive Ambition, Creative Ambtion, Creatve Ambition, Controlled Responsibility: Controled Responsibility, Controled Responsiblity, Controlled Responsibilty, Sustainable: Sustainble, Sustanable, Sustaineble, Business Value: Buisness Value, Business Valu, Busines Value, Training Delivery Methods: Trainig Delivery Methods, Training Delvery Methods, Training Delevery Methods, In-Person: In-Persn, In-Peson, InPersn, Online: Onlin, On-line, Onlene, Training Information: Trainig Information, Training Informtion, Trainin Information, Benefits: Benifits, Benfits, Beneffits, Best Practice: Best Practise, Best Practie, Bes Practice, Large Language Models: Lrge Language Models, Large Languag Models, Large Langage Models, Framework: Framwork, Frameowrk, Frameork, Techniques: Techniqes, Tehniques, Tecniques, Prompt Templates: Promt Templates, Prompt Tempates, Prompt Templtes, Chains: Chanis, Chians, Chainz, Vector Embeddings: Vctor Embeddings, Vector Embddings, Vectr Embeddings, Automated AI Tools: Automted AI Tools, Automated AI Tols, Automated A Tools Public Data: Pubic Data, Public Dta, Pulbic Data, Autonomous: Autonmous, Autonomus, Atonomous, Practical: Practial, Practcal, Pratical, Real-time: Realtime, Reel-time, Rael-time, Competitor Analysis: Compettior Analysis, Competior Analysis, Competitor Analisis, Dynamic Marketing: Dinamic Marketing, Dyamic Marketing, Dyanmic Marketing, Basic Python Scripts: Basic Pyton Scripts, Basci Python Sctipts, Basic Pythn Scripts, Principles: Pinciples, Princples, Principlez, Libraries: Librairies, Librarys, Libaries, API Calls: AP Calls, AAPI Calls, API Calles, Working Knowledge: Workin Knowledge, Working Knowlege, Woriking Knowledge, Writing Prompts: Writting Prompts, Writin Prompts, Writing Prmopts, Chat Models: Chet Models, Chat Modles, Chat Mmodels, Various: Varous, Verious, Varios, AI Outputs: A Outputs, AI Ouputs, AI Outpts AI-generated: AIgenereted, AI-genrated, AI-genereted, Conversations: Coversations, Conversatons, Conversations Hallucinations: Halucinations, Halluciantions, Hallucintions, Training Outline: Trainig Outline, Training Outlin, Trainning Outline, Accordion: Acordion, Acordeon, Accordian, Drop Down Header: Drop Dwn Header, Drop Down Hedder, Dropp Down Header, Introduction: Introducton, Introdction, Introdcution, Why: Whi, Wai, Whyy, Required: Requried, Requred, Reqiured, Advanced: Adavanced, Advaced, Advansed, Overview: Overveiw, Oerview, Overviw, Tools: Toos, Tollz, Tols, LLM: LML, LMM, LLMs, Search: Searhc, Serach, Saerch, Retrievers: Retreivers, Retrievrs, Retriverz, Querying: Queering, Querrying, Queryng, Deep Dive: Depp Dive, Deep Dve, Deeep Dive, In-depth: In-deph, Indepth, In-Depth, Hands-on Exercises: Hands on Exersises, Hands-on Exercizes, Hands-om Exercises, Injection: Injction, Injecton, Injetion, Sequencing: Seqencing, Sequenceing, Sequecning, Agents: Agnts, Agens, Aggents, Automation: Autmation, Automtion, Automattion, Configuring: Configurin, Confguring, Configurring, Monitoring: Monitering, Monitring, Monitorng, Debugging: Debuggin, Deugging, Debgging, Readiness: Rediness, Readines, Readyness Production: Prodution, Produktion, Producton, Theory: Theroy, Thoery, Theorie, Templates: Tempates, Templats, Templaets, Creating: Creatin, Creatng, Cretating, Effective: Efective, Effctive, Affective, Injecting: Injectin, Inecting, Injecing, Dynamic Data: Dyanmic Data, Dinamic Data, Dynamic Dta, Storing: Storeing, Storin, Stroring, Outputs: Ouputs, Outputz, Outpts, Vector Databases: Vctor Databases, Vector Datbases, Vector Databses, Scaling: Scalling, Scaing, Scaeling, Commercial: Comercial, Commecial, Commerial, Use Cases: Usee Cases, Us Cases, Use Caes, Assessment: Assement, Assesment, Asssesment, Real-world: Realword, Reel-world, Reall-world, Hands-on Workshop: Hands on Workshp, Hands-on Workshopp, Handson Workshop, Solving: Solvin, Solvng, Sollving, Sample: Sampl, Sampel, Sammple, Challenges: Challanges, Chalenges, Challengs, Developing: Develping, Developin, Develloping, End-to-end: End to end, End-toEnd, End-2-end, Presentations: Presntations, Presenttions, Presentationz,
Advanced5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 39 200 kr -
Learning Tree
In this AI Skills for Business Professionals course, you will craft prompts and employ the many extra AI components now available on desktops/laptops such as plugins, APIs, visualizations.
Advanced Prompt Engineering, Business Users, Artificial Intelligence, Craft Prompts, AI Components, Desktops, Laptops, Plugins, APIs, Visualizations, Corporate Files, Business Insight, In-Person, Online, Large Language Models, Chain-of-Thought, Perspective Prompting, Reverse Prompting, Hands-On Experience, API Integrations, Spreadsheets, File Uploads, Dynamic Data, Business Applications, Marketing, Competitor Analysis, Recruitment, Training Prerequisites, ChatGPT, Claude, Bing, Bard, Training Outline, Day 1, Module 1, GPT-4, Architecture, Training Data, Model Size, NLP Tasks, Prompt Length, Complexity, Long-Form Content, Reasoning Tasks, Module 2, Leveraging Plugins, World News, Zapier, Extension Manager, Keyword Highlighting, Examples, Formatting, Code Generation, Spreadsheet Functions, Module 3, Uploading Files, PDFs, Word Docs, Optimal Formatting, Highlighting, Limitations, Multi-File Prompts, Summaries, Citations, Day 2, Module 4, Generating Visualizations, Graphs, Charts, Diagrams, Visualization Design, Data Format, Level of Detail, Axis Labels, Legends, Colours, Dashboards, Module 5, API Integration, Python Libraries, Anthropic's Claude API, Environment, Authentication, API Calls, Google Sheets, Passing Inputs, Processing Outputs, End-to-End Workflows, Module 6, Advanced Exercises, Business Cases, Market Analysis, HR Screening, Progressive Prompts, Iteration, Peer Feedback, Clarity, Effectiveness, Completeness, Advaned Prompt Enginering, Buisness Users, Artifical Inteligence, Craft Promtps, AI Compnents, Dsktops, Labtops, Plug-ins, API's, Visulizations, Corprate Files, Buisness Insight, In-Peson, On-line, Larg Language Models, Chian-of-Thought, Prespective Prompting, Reverese Prompting, HandsOn Experiance, API Integartions, Spredsheets, File Uplaods, Dyanmic Data, Buisness Applications, Markting, Competetor Analysis, Recuitment, Trainig Prerequisites, ChatGTP, Cloude, Bin, Brad, Traning Outline, Da 1, Modul 1, GPT4, Archetecture, Traning Data, Model Siz, NLP Taks, Promt Length, Complexty, LongForm Content, Resoning Tasks, Moduel 2, Leveragin Plugins, Wolrd News, Zapeir, Extention Manager, Keyword Highligting, Exampls, Formating, Code Genration, Spredsheet Functions, Moduel 3, Uploaing Files, PDF's, Wrod Docs, Optiaml Formatting, Highliting, Limitatons, MultiFile Prompts, Sumaris, Citatons, Da 2, Moduel 4, Genrating Visualizations, Graps, Chats, Diagarms, Visulaization Design, Data Formt, Levl of Detail, Axis Lables, Ledgens, Colurs, Dashbords, Moduel 5, API Integrtion, Phton Libraries, Anthropic's Cloude API, Enviroment, Authntication, API Cals, Gogle Sheets, Passing Imputs, Procssing Outputs, End-toEnd Workflows, Moduel 6, Advanced Excersises, Buisness Cases, Market Anlysis, HR Screning, Progressive Promtps, Itration, Peer Feddback, Clariti, Efectiveness, Complteness, Avancerad Prompt-teknik, Affärsanvändare, Artificiell Intelligens, Skapa Prompts, AI-komponenter, Skrivbord, Bärbara datorer, Plugins, API:er, Visualiseringar, Företagsfiler, Affärsinsikt, Ansikte mot ansikte, Online, Stora Språkmodeller, Tankekedja, Perspektivpromptning, Omvänd Promptning, Praktisk Erfarenhet, API-integrationer, Kalkylblad, Filuppladdningar, Dynamisk Data, Affärsapplikationer, Marknadsföring, Konkurrentanalys, Rekrytering, Utbildningsförutsättningar, ChatGPT, Claude, Bing, Bard, Utbildningsöversikt, Dag 1, Modul 1, GPT-4, Arkitektur, Träningsdata, Modellstorlek, NLP-uppgifter, Promptlängd, Komplexitet, Långformigt Innehåll, Resoneringsuppgifter, Modul 2, Utnyttja Plugins, Världsnyheter, Zapier, Tilläggschef, Nyckelordmarkering, Exempel, Formatering, Kodgenerering, Kalkylbladsfunktioner, Modul 3, Ladda upp Filer, PDF:er, Word-dokument, Optimal Formatering, Markering, Begränsningar, Multi-Filprompts, Sammanfattningar, Citat, Dag 2, Modul 4, Generera Visualiseringar, Grafer, Diagram, Scheman, Visualiseringsdesign, Dataformat, Detaljnivå, Axel-etiketter, Legender, Färger, Instrumentpaneler, Modul 5, API-integration, Python-bibliotek, Anthropics Claude API, Miljö, Autentisering, API-anrop, Google Sheets, Skicka Indata, Bearbeta Utdata, Ändpunkt-till-ändpunkt Arbetsflöden, Modul 6, Avancerade Övningar, Affärsfall, Marknadsanalys, HR-screening, Progressiva Prompts, Iteration, Kollegial Återkoppling, Tydlighet, Effektivitet, Fullständighet
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 23 100 kr -
The BCS Foundation Certificate in AI assesses understanding of AI terminology, principles, and ethical challenges.
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 22 330 kr -
Learning Tree
In this comprehensive On-Demand Introduction to AI Course, you’ll navigate AI's evolution, delve into its intricacies, harness its creative potential, and champion ethics in AI.
Artificial Intelligence, AI, On-Demand, Introduction to AI, history, explosive growth, AI domains, generative AI creativity, shaping, landscape, navigate, evolution, intricacies, creative potential, ethics, delivery methods, enterprise solutions, training information, benefits, business professionals, modules, essential knowledge, approachable entry point, real-world applications, industries, bias, responsible AI practices, ethical considerations, prerequisites, curious mindset, structured content, engage, Module 1, Evolution of AI, narrow AI, general AI, super AI, Module 2, machine learning, deep learning, classifiers, predictions, challenges, dimensions, Module 3, ChatGPT, chatbots, prompt engineering, text, images, expression, Module 4, guidelines, systems, types of bias, strategies, mitigation, transformative impact, work, society, ethically conscious, Artifical Intelligence, Artifical Inteligence, A.I, OnDemand, Introductin to AI, histry, explsive growth, AI domans, genrative AI creativity, shapping, landcape, navagate, evoltion, intricasies, creative potental, ehtics, delvery methods, enterpise solutions, trainig information, benifits, business profesional, moduls, esential knowledge, approachble entry point, real-wold applications, industies, biase, responsable AI practices, ethical consideratons, pre-requisites, curous mindset, structurd content, engae, Modul 1, Evoltion of AI, narow AI, generl AI, superAI, Modul 2, machine lerning, deep lerning, classfiers, predctions, chalenges, dimensons, Modul 3, Chat GPT, chatbots, prompt enginering, txt, imges, expresion, Modul 4, guidlines, sytems, types of biase, startegies, mitagation, transformative inpact, wrk, socity, ethically concious, Artificiell Intelligens, AI, På Begäran, Introduktion till AI, historia, explosiv tillväxt, AI-domäner, generativ AI-kreativitet, formning, landskap, navigera, evolution, invecklingar, kreativ potential, etik, leveransmetoder, företagslösningar, träningsinformation, fördelar, affärsprofessionella, moduler, grundläggande kunskap, tillgänglig ingångspunkt, verkliga tillämpningar, industrier, fördom, ansvarsfulla AI-praktiker, etiska överväganden, förutsättningar, nyfiken inställning, strukturerat innehåll, engagera, Modul 1, AI:s evolution, smal AI, allmän AI, super AI, Modul 2, maskininlärning, djupinlärning, klassificerare, förutsägelser, utmaningar, dimensioner, Modul 3, ChatGPT, chatbots, prompt-teknik, text, bilder, uttryck, Modul 4, riktlinjer, system, typer av fördom, strategier, mildring, transformerande inverkan, arbete, samhälle, etiskt medveten.
FoundationLess than a dayOn-DemandTeam TrainingStarts from 5 950 kr -
Learning Tree
In this on-demand Fundamentals of Graph Databases course, you’ll dive into the essentials of graph theory, explore real-world use cases, and discover how Graph Databases revolutionize data analysis, strategic decision-making, and AI integration.
Unlock the potential of data relationships with our comprehensive On-Demand Graph Databases course. Designed for professionals of all backgrounds, this foundational course provides a clear and concise introduction to the world of Graph Databases and their transformative applications. Dive into the essentials of graph theory, explore real-world use cases, and discover how Graph Databases revolutionize data analysis, strategic decision-making, and AI integration. With hands-on exercises using platforms like Neo4j, you'll gain practical experience in creating and querying Graph Databases. Whether you're a data analyst, business manager, database administrator, or technical training professional, this course equips you with the knowledge to harness the power of Graph Databases and elevate your expertise in modern data management and AI strategies. Module 1. Why Graph Databases Matter Explore the significance of Graph Databases in modern data management. Understand their unique advantages and how they revolutionize information retrieval and analysis. Module 2. Introduction to Graph Databases Gain a solid grasp of Graph Databases: their purpose, structure, and applications across various industries. Dive into the essentials of graph theory. Module 3. Utilizing Graph Databases Learn how organizations leverage Graph Databases to solve complex problems. Discover real-world use cases and harness the power of data relationships. Module 4. AI and Semantic Data Uncover the synergy between Artificial Intelligence and Semantic Web technologies. Explore RDF, semantic data formats, and their role in enhancing AI capabilities. Module 5. Graph Databases in AI Strategies Delve into the role of Graph Databases in AI-driven strategies. Understand knowledge representation, ontologies, and how to integrate Graph Databases in AI projects. Module 6. Building Knowledge Graphs Master the implementation of Knowledge Graphs. Explore Graph Neural Networks and how they enhance data-driven insights.
FoundationLess than a dayOn-DemandTeam TrainingStarts from 5 950 kr -
DevOps Institute
Gain expertise with the AIOps Foundation (AIOF) Certification Course, mastering AI, machine learning in IT ops, and transforming digital landscapes.
AIOps Foundation, AIOps Certification, AIOps Course, Machine Learning, Big Data, AI in IT Operations, Digital Transformation, DevOps, Site Reliability, AIOps and MLOps, IT Operations Analytics, AIOps System Stages, AIOps Adoption, Data Complexity, System State Understanding, Big Data Characteristics, Supervised Learning, Unsupervised Learning, Operational Metrics, Proactive Operations, Probabilistic Methods, AIOps Impact, DORA Metrics, AIOps Implementation, Machine Learning Ethics, Data Regulation Standards, Privacy in AI, AIOps history, big data analytics, machine learning algorithms, IT operational landscape, artificial intelligence, machine learning models, AIOps vs MLOps, AIOps benefits, AIOps integration challenges, AIOps exercises, AIOps certification exam, IT terminology, DevOps Institute certification, PeopleCert Exam Voucher, Take2 exam re-sit, instructor coaching, AIOps vs IT Operations Analytics, AIOps core technologies, AIOps system stages, AIOps and DevOps, site reliability, big data sources, supervised vs unsupervised learning, machine learning training, performance metrics, MTTD, MTBF, MTTA, MTTR, service level agreements, reactive vs proactive operations, AIOps organisational impact, AIOps and DORA metrics, machine learning bias, data privacy, AIOps Foundation, AIOps-certifiering, AIOps-kurs, Maskininlärning, Stordata, AI i IT-drift, Digital omvandling, DevOps, Webbplatspålitlighet, AIOps och MLOps, IT-driftsanalys, AIOps-systemstadier, AIOps-anpassning, Datakomplexitet, Förståelse av systemtillstånd, Stordataegenskaper, Övervakat lärande, Oövervakat lärande, Operationella mätvärden, Proaktiva operationer, Sannolikhetsmetoder, AIOps-påverkan, DORA-mätvärden, Implementering av AIOps, Etik inom maskininlärning, Standarder för datalagstiftning, Integritet inom AI, AIOps-historia, analys av stordata, algoritmer för maskininlärning, IT-operationell landskap, artificiell intelligens, modeller för maskininlärning, AIOps vs MLOps, Fördelar med AIOps, Utmaningar i integration av AIOps, Övningar i AIOps, Examen för AIOps-certifiering, IT-terminologi, Certifiering från DevOps-institutet, PeopleCert-examensvoucher, Omprov för Take2-examen, Instruktörscoaching, AIOps vs IT-driftsanalys, Kärnteknologier för AIOps, Systemstadier för AIOps, AIOps och DevOps, Webbplatspålitlighet, Källor till stordata, Övervakat vs oövervakat lärande, Utbildning i maskininlärning, Prestandamätvärden, MTTD, MTBF, MTTA, MTTR, Avtal om servicenivåer, Reaktiva vs proaktiva operationer, Organisatorisk påverkan av AIOps, AIOps och DORA-mätvärden, Fördomar inom maskininlärning, Datasekretess
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 17 430 kr -
Learning Tree
Master AI strategies for project management with our course. Unlock AI's potential in workflows, strategy, and innovation for project success.
AI in project management, Generative AI, ChatGPT, Google Bard, Bing Chat, Open AI’s ChatGPT, Google’s Gemini, and Microsoft’s Copilot, AI strategies, project management workflows, prompt engineering, AI-generated content, AI ethical considerations, AI future trends, AI applications in projects, AI prompting techniques, AI output optimization, AI challenges, AI job risks, AI creativity in projects, AI empathy in communication, AI course for beginners, AI real-world examples, AI project management use cases, AI i projektledning, Generativ AI, ChatGPT, Google Bard, Bing Chat, AI-strategier, arbetsflöden för projektledning, framställning av prompts, AI-genererat innehåll, etiska överväganden inom AI, AI:s framtida trender, AI-applikationer i projekt, tekniker för AI-promptning, optimering av AI-output, utmaningar med AI, jobbrisker med AI, AIs kreativitet i projekt, AIs empati i kommunikation, AI-kurs för nybörjare, AI i verkliga exempel, användningsfall för AI i projektledning.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from 9 950 kr -
Learning Tree
Learn how to apply Generative AI models in PM scenarios with AI for Project Managers On-Demand. Explore Open AI’s ChatGPT, Google’s Gemini, and Microsoft’s Copilot.
FoundationLess than a dayOn-DemandStarts from 1 980 kr -
Unleash the power of machine learning with Azure Databricks training course. The course equips you with the skills to build, deploy, and manage machine learning models using this powerful cloud platform.
Azure Databricks, Machine Learning, Delivery Methods, Training Information, Training Prerequisites, Training Outline, Explore Azure Databricks, Use Apache Spark, Train a Machine Learning Model, Use MLflow, Tune Hyperparameters, Use AutoML, Train Deep Learning Models, In-Person Training, Online Training, Private Team Training, Apache Spark, MLflow, Hyperopt, AutoML, Deep Learning, Python, Scikit-Learn, PyTorch, TensorFlow, Spark Clusters, Data Visualization, Model Evaluation, Hyperparameter Optimization, Model Training, Azure Databricks, Maskininlärning, Leveransmetoder, Utbildningsinformation, Förkunskapskrav, Utbildningsöversikt, Utforska Azure Databricks, Använda Apache Spark, Träna en maskininlärningsmodell, Använda MLflow, Stämma Hyperparametrar, Använda AutoML, Träna djupinlärningsmodeller, Utbildning på plats, Onlineutbildning, Privat teamutbildning, Apache Spark, MLflow, Hyperopt, AutoML, Djupinlärning, Python, Scikit-Learn, PyTorch, TensorFlow, Spark-kluster, Data visualisering, Modellutvärdering, Optimering av hyperparametrar, Modellträning
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from 9 170 kr -
Training course to learn to optimise productivity with Copilot for Microsoft 365. Empower your workforce with Copilot for Microsoft 365.
Copilot for Microsoft 365, MS-4004, productivity optimisation, delivery methods, training prerequisites, training information, course outline, introduction, functionalities, best practices, effective prompt creation, plugins, Microsoft Graph connectors, use cases, Executives, Sales, Marketing, Finance, IT, HR, Operations, Microsoft 365 apps, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, Loop, Excel, Whiteboard, Bing, OneDrive, real-world scenarios, hands-on exercises, AI capabilities, business chat, workflow enhancement, ethical AI, project planning, market analysis, financial analysis, HR management, operations planning, challenge use case, team skills enhancement, BYOS (Bring Your Own Subscription), Copilot för Microsoft 365, MS-4004, produktivitetsoptimering, leveransmetoder, förutsättningar för utbildning, utbildningsinformation, kursöversikt, introduktion, funktionaliteter, bästa praxis, effektiv promptskapande, plugins, Microsoft Graph-kopplingar, användningsfall, Verkställande, Försäljning, Marknadsföring, Finans, IT, HR, Drift, Microsoft 365-appar, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, Loop, Excel, Whiteboard, Bing, OneDrive, verkliga scenarier, praktiska övningar, AI-kapaciteter, affärschatt, arbetsflödesförbättring, etisk AI, projektplanering, marknadsanalys, finansanalys, HR-hantering, driftsplanering, utmanande användningsfall, förbättring av teamfärdigheter, BYOS (Bring Your Own Subscription)
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from 9 730 kr -
Master the intricacies of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central development with our intensive MB 820 training course.
Dynamics 365 Business Central, developer, extending, modules, modifying, integrating, Microsoft Power Platform, troubleshooting, debugging, optimising, system performance, upgrading, migrating, data, maintaining, system security, Delivery Methods, In-Person, Online, Private Team Training, Training Information, Business Central architecture, functional areas, administration, telemetry management, application security, development environments, user interface customisation, onboarding techniques, development standards, extension development, Training Prerequisites, industry terminology, AppSource, Application Lifecycle Management (ALM), Source Control Management (SCM), Azure, Certification Information, Microsoft Exam MB-820, Training Outline, Introduction to Business Central, Administration of Business Central, Installation, Development, Deployment, Development Using Application Language (AL), Advanced AL Development, Working with Development Tools, Integration with Other Applications, REST Services, Microsoft Azure, APIs, Microsoft Teams Integration, Dynamics 365 Business Central, utvecklare, utvidga, moduler, modifiera, integrera, Microsoft Power Platform, felsökning, debugga, optimera, systemprestanda, uppgradering, migrera, data, underhåll, systemsäkerhet, Leveransmetoder, På plats, Online, Privat teamutbildning, Utbildningsinformation, Business Central-arkitektur, funktionsområden, administration, telemetrihantering, applikationssäkerhet, utvecklingsmiljöer, anpassning av användargränssnittet, onboardningstekniker, utvecklingsstandarder, utveckling av tillägg, Utbildningsförutsättningar, branschterminologi, AppSource, Application Lifecycle Management (ALM), Source Control Management (SCM), Azure, Certifieringsinformation, Microsoft Exam MB-820, Utbildningsöversikt, Introduktion till Business Central, Administration av Business Central, Installation, Utveckling, Distribution, Utveckling med applikationsspråk (AL), Avancerad AL-utveckling, Arbete med utvecklingsverktyg, Integration med andra applikationer, REST-tjänster, Microsoft Azure, API:er, Microsoft Teams-integration
Advanced5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 30 950 kr -
Master Azure AI Document Intelligence (AI-3002) and unlock the ability to extract data from structured and unstructured documents like forms, receipts, and invoices.
applied skills, applied, skills, Azure AI Document Intelligence, AI-3002, software developers, AI capabilities, Azure AI Services, C#, Python, Delivery Methods, In-Person, Online, Private Team Training, Training Information, Design solutions, Business forms, Common documents, Custom form types, Composite model, Training Prerequisites, Microsoft Azure, Azure portal, Programming languages, JSON, REST, Training Outline, Module 1, Plan Azure AI solution, AI Document Intelligence, Model type, Module 2, Prebuilt Form Recognizer models, General Document, Read, Layout models, Financial, ID, Tax models, Exercise, Module 3, Extract data, Azure Document Intelligence, Train custom models, Azure Document Intelligence Studio, Module 4, Composed Form Recognizer model, Assemble composed models, Module 5, Form Recognizer custom skill, Azure Cognitive Search, Enrichment pipelines, Deploy custom skill, Azure AI Document Intelligence, AI-3002, mjukvaruutvecklare, AI-förmågor, Azure AI-tjänster, C#, Python, Leveransmetoder, På plats, Online, Privat teamutbildning, Utbildningsinformation, Designlösningar, Affärsformulär, Vanliga dokument, Anpassade formulärtyper, Sammansatt modell, Utbildningsförutsättningar, Microsoft Azure, Azure-portalen, Programmeringsspråk, JSON, REST, Utbildningsöversikt, Modul 1, Planera en Azure AI-lösning, AI Document Intelligence, Modelltyp, Modul 2, Förbyggda Form Recognizer-modeller, Allmänt dokument, Läs, Layoutmodeller, Finansiella, ID, Skattemodeller, Övning, Modul 3, Extrahera data, Azure Document Intelligence, Träna anpassade modeller, Azure Document Intelligence Studio, Modul 4, Sammansatt Form Recognizer-modell, Montera sammansatta modeller, Modul 5, Anpassad Form Recognizer-färdighet för Azure Cognitive Search, Berikningspipeliner, Distribuera anpassad färdighet
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from 9 170 kr -
Our Azure AI Services (AI-3003) training course equips you to build, deploy, and manage intelligent solutions using Microsoft's powerful cloud platform.
applied skills, applied, skills, Azure AI Services, Azure AI Language, C#, Python, natural language processing, text analysis, question answering, conversational language understanding, speech understanding, Azure portal, JSON, REST, language detection, key phrases extraction, sentiment analysis, entities extraction, linked entities extraction, knowledge base, multi-turn conversation, conversational models, intents, utterances, entities, text classification, named entity recognition, Azure AI Translator, language translation, transliteration, speech-to-text API, text-to-speech API, speech synthesis, speech translation, Azure AI-tjänster, Azure AI Language, C#, Python, bearbetning av naturligt språk, textanalys, frågebesvarande, förståelse av konversationsspråk, taluppfattning, Azure-portalen, JSON, REST, språkdetektering, extraktion av nyckelfraser, sentimentanalys, entitetsextraktion, länkad entitetsextraktion, kunskapsbas, flerstegskonversation, konversationsmodeller, avsikter, yttranden, entiteter, textklassificering, igenkänning av namngivna entiteter, Azure AI Translator, språköversättning, translitteration, tal-till-text-API, text-till-tal-API, talsyntes, talöversättning
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from 9 170 kr -
Harness the power of AI with Azure AI services AI-3004 training. This comprehensive course equips you to design, develop, and deploy intelligent applications using Microsoft's cutting-edge AI services.
applied skills, applied, skills, Azure AI Vision, Azure AI Services, AI-3004, software developers, C#, Python, Delivery Methods, In-Person, Private Team Training, Training Information, image analysis, custom vision models, classification, object detection, optical character recognition (OCR), insights from video, Training Prerequisites, Microsoft Azure, Azure portal, JSON, REST, Training Outline, Analyze images, custom Azure AI Vision models, face detection, face analysis, facial recognition, Read Text, Azure Video Indexer, Video Analyzer, Azure AI Vision, Azure AI Services, AI-3004, mjukvaruutvecklare, C#, Python, Leveransmetoder, På plats, Privat teamutbildning, Utbildningsinformation, bildanalys, anpassade visionsmodeller, klassificering, objektdetektering, optisk teckenigenkänning (OCR), insikter från video, Förkunskapskrav, Microsoft Azure, Azure-portalen, JSON, REST, Utbildningsöversikt, Analysera bilder, anpassade Azure AI Vision-modeller, ansiktsdetektering, ansiktsanalys, ansiktsigenkänning, Läsa text, Azure Video Indexer, Videoanalyserare
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from 9 170 kr -
Streamline your database migration with our Migrate SQL Server workload to Azure SQL (DP-3001) training course
applied skills, applied, skills, SQL Server, Azure SQL, migration, Azure SQL Database, Database Migration Assistant, Azure SQL Migration Extension, provisioning, configuring, performance optimisation, disaster recovery, database monitoring, in-person training, online training, private team training, assessing databases, deploying Azure SQL, post-migration tasks, SQL Server administration, Microsoft Azure, SQL Server Migration Strategy, data platform modernisation, data migration technologies, PaaS solutions, database compatibility, Azure Migration, SQL database elastic pool, SQL database hyperscale, SQL managed instance, SQL Edge, database authentication, database authorisation, Active Directory, Microsoft Entra ID, security principals, database permissions, Azure SQL Database features, BACPAC migration, online migration, SQL logins, database security, compliance controls, performance monitoring, high availability, geo-replication, SQL Server, Azure SQL, migration, Azure SQL-databas, Database Migration Assistant, Azure SQL Migration Extension, provisioning, konfigurering, prestandaoptimering, katastrofåterställning, databasövervakning, utbildning på plats, onlineutbildning, privat teamutbildning, utvärdering av databaser, distribution av Azure SQL, efter migreringsuppgifter, administration av SQL Server, Microsoft Azure, strategi för migration av SQL Server, modernisering av dataplattform, teknologier för datamigration, PaaS-lösningar, databaskompatibilitet, Azure Migration, SQL-databas elastisk pool, SQL-databas hyperskala, SQL Managed Instance, SQL Edge, databasautentisering, databasbehörighet, Active Directory, Microsoft Entra ID, säkerhetsprinciper, databasbehörigheter, funktioner i Azure SQL-databas, BACPAC-migration, onlinemigration, SQL-inloggningar, databassäkerhet, efterlevnadskontroller, prestandaövervakning, hög tillgänglighet, geo-replikering
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from 9 170 kr -
Master the art of training and deploying machine learning models in the cloud with our Azure Machine Learning (DP-3007) training course.
applied skills, applied, skills, Azure Machine Learning, DP-3007, Delivery Methods, In-Person, Online, Private Team Training, Training Information, Make Data Available, Compute Targets, Training Script, Command Job, MLflow, Register ML Model, Deploy Model, Managed Online Endpoint, Training Prerequisites, Data Science Process, Python SDK, Training Outline, Datastore, Data Asset, Compute Instance, Compute Cluster, Environments, Curated Environments, Custom Environments, Script Conversion, Parameters, Track Metrics, Model Evaluation, MLflow Model Format, Online Endpoint Testing, Azure Machine Learning, DP-3007, Leveransmetoder, På plats, Online, Privat teamutbildning, Utbildningsinformation, Göra data tillgänglig, Beräkningsmål, Körning av skript, Kommandouppdrag, MLflow, Registrera ML-modell, Distribuera modell, Hanterad onlineändpunkt, Förkunskapskrav, Data Science-process, Python SDK, Utbildningsöversikt, Datastore, Data Tillgång, Beräkningsinstans, Beräkningskluster, Miljöer, Förvalda miljöer, Anpassade miljöer, Skriptomvandling, Parametrar, Spåra metriker, Modellutvärdering, MLflow-modellformat, Testning av onlineändpunkter
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from 9 170 kr -
Unlock the power of real-time data Intelligence with Microsoft Fabric in this beginner-friendly, hands-on course. Learn to source streaming data, utilise Eventstream, and create dynamic dashboards.
applied skills, applied skill, Dp 603, dp603, dp-603, Real-time analytics, Microsoft Fabric, streaming data, Eventstream, KQL, data dashboards, data analytics, Realtidsanalys, Microsoft Fabric, strömmande data, Eventstream, KQL, datadashbord, dataanalys, real - time data analytics, applied skills, microsoft data & ai, kql database in microsoft fabric, microsoft partner, real - time data analysis, data analytics solution, real - time analytics, specific skill set, query data, Recommended keywords, Enrich your text with these keywords to get better SEO results., large amounts of data, data analysis, business processes, data science, data streams, social media, historical data, time data analytics, business decisions, analytics solutions, customer service, process data, supply chain, customer experience, wide range, kql database, real time analytics include, data in real time, data warehouse, event streams, applied skills
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from 9 950 kr -
Master the data science process and machine learning model training for AI applications in Microsoft Fabric in this hands-on, beginner-level course.
applied skills, applied skill, Dp-604, dp604, dp 604, Data science, Microsoft Fabric, machine learning, AI, data preprocessing, MLflow, data exploration, batch predictions, Datavetenskap, Microsoft Fabric, maskininlärning, AI, datapreprocessering, MLflow, datautforskning, batchförutsägelser, data science process, introduction to data science, applied skills, how to train machine learning models, data for data science, learning tree, machine learning frameworks, microsoft fabric notebooks, microsoft partner, data wrangler, machine learning algorithms, machine learning models, data science projects, include data, programming language, data preparation, machine learning projects, natural language processing, ml models, science process, power bi, apache spark, clean the data, machine learning and deep, large data sets, computer vision, table of contents, data engineer, gain insights, large amount
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from 9 950 kr -
Learn to craft effective and contextual prompts for Microsoft Copilot across Microsoft 365 applications. Ideal for all users looking to improve productivity and content creation.
ms-4005, ms4005, ms 4005, Microsoft Copilot training, Effective prompts for Microsoft 365, Microsoft 365 productivity tips, Microsoft Copilot effektiva prompter, Microsoft 365 produktivitetstips, microsoft copilot training, team training, copilot for microsoft, microsoft data & ai, content creation, copilot in microsoft, microsoft 365 tenant, course name, training outline, team course, search engines, target audience, team members, types of content, generated content, keyword research, good idea, learning objectives, content creator, creating a course, step by step, content marketing, kind of content, potential customers, social media platforms, content creation process, high level, online learning, table of contents, customer service
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from 9 950 kr -
Boost Microsoft 365 skills: Master productivity with our 1-day Copilot course featuring labs & coaching. Ideal for IT & business pros. Sign up now.
MS-4006, MS 4006, MS4006, data security and compliance, microsoft copilot, team training, data compliance, copilot for microsoft, team course #, instructor - led training, microsoft partner, security and compliance features, learning tree, data protection regulations, general data protection regulation, portability and accountability act, health insurance portability, insurance portability and accountability, california consumer privacy act, accountability act hipaa, european union, payment card industry data, industry data security standard, card industry data security, consumer privacy act ccpa, cyber threats, table of contents, data governance, access control, data protection regulation gdpr, manage data, customer data, united states
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from 9 950 kr -
Unlock AI mastery in 1 day with our Copilot Foundations course. Learn to create & use copilots effectively.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from 9 730 kr -
Unlock AI potential: Learn to create custom copilots with Azure AI Studio in this hands-on course.
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from 9 730 kr -
Master AI application development with Azure OpenAI and Semantic Kernel SDK in this 1-day, hands-on course.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from 9 950 kr -
Master AI security with Microsoft's SC-5006 course - a day of expert-led training and practical skills.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from 9 730 kr -
Learn to build connectors and plugins for Microsoft Copilot in this 1-day hands-on course. Ideal for beginners. No coding experience required.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from 9 730 kr -
Learning Tree
Learn AI applications in government with hands-on labs. Enhance efficiency and decision-making in federal agencies.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 25 150 kr -
Learning Tree
Gain foundational AI knowledge and practical skills for government operations in this 1-day hands-on course.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from 10 455 kr -
Learn to build custom AI copilots with Microsoft Copilot Studio in this 2-day hands-on course. No coding required. Enhance with Power Automate.
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 14 700 kr -
Learning Tree
Boost productivity with AI-driven Python programming tools. Learn code generation, debugging, and optimization in this hands-on course.
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from 10 455 kr -
Enhance your data skills with Azure AI Search. Learn to extract, analyze, and search data effectively in our 1-day hands-on course.
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from 10 455 kr -
Learn to build AI-powered apps with Azure Database for PostgreSQL. Integrate AI, ML, and more in this hands-on, 1-day intermediate course.
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from 10 455 kr -
Enhance business processes with Microsoft Power Platform AI Builder. Automate tasks, improve apps, and integrate AI in this hands-on course.
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from 10 455 kr -
Get ISTQB® Certified Tester AI Testing (CT-AI) certification. Learn AI testing methodologies, tools, and techniques in this 4-day hands-on course.
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 29 350 kr -
Learn to integrate AI into your business with this half-day workshop. Gain insights on AI strategy, ethical practices, and scalable adoption.
FoundationLess than a dayOnline or In-classStarts from 6 600 kr -
Join our half-day hands-on course to explore generative AI with Microsoft Copilot and create a unique destination narrative.
FoundationLess than a dayOnline or In-classStarts from 6 600 kr -
Enhance productivity with our half-day course on Microsoft Copilot. Learn to streamline workflows and boost efficiency using AI-driven tools.
FoundationLess than a dayOnline or In-classStarts from 6 600 kr -
Learning Tree
Join our 3-day course to master AI concepts, practical tools, and ethical practices for software engineering. Enhance your skills today!
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 25 150 kr -
Learning Tree
Watch and perform exercises to connect to 7 million records from various sources, refine the data in Power Query and import the tables into Power BI.
Power BI: Hands-On Reports and Dashboards, Power BI: HandsOn Reports and Dashboards, Power BI HandsOn Reports and Dashboards, Power BI, Power BI Desktop, Power BI Service, connect, refine, import, organise, model, slice and dice, summary information, data visualisations, publish, workspace, app, distribute, share, PowerB, PowerBI, Power BI Desktop, Power BI Service Power BI, Power BI Desktop, Power BI Service, ansluta, förbättra, importera, organisera, modellera, skiva och tärna, sammanfattande information, datavisualiseringar, publicera, arbetsyta, app, distribuera, dela, felstavningar PowerB, PowerBI, Power BI Desktop, Power BI Service.
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 16 730 kr -
Learning Tree
In this Introduction to Power BI course, you will gain the basic skills and knowledge to manage and analyze data in Power BI.
Power BI, Microsoft Power BI, Power BI Training, data analysis, data model, data visualization, Power BI desktop, Power BI service, Power BI server, data sources, CSV, XLS, Data Analysis Expressions, DAX, Power Query, reporting, custom visuals, Dashboards, Reports, collaboration, sharing, scheduling, Power B, PowerBI, PowerB, Microsoft PowerB, PowerBI Training, data analisis, data modle, data vizualization, PowerBI desktop, PowerBI service, PowerBI server, data sorces, CVS, XLS, Data Analisis Expressions, DAX, Power Qury, reportng, custom vizuals, Dashbords, Repots, collabration, sharring, schedulling.
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 19 530 kr -
Learn best practices for Power BI with PL-300 Microsoft training. Align business and tech requirements.
PL-300, PL300, PL 300, PL30, PL 30, PL-30, DA-100, DA100, DA 100, DA10, DA 10, DA-10, 8430, Analyzing Data with Power BI Training, 20778, Power BI, data analysis, modeling, visualization, data sources, security standards, policies, reports, dashboards, sharing, content distribution, paginated reports, workspace, inclusion, Power B1, data analyse, vizualization, secruity standards, polices, repots, dashboads, paginated repots, PL-300, PL300, PL 300, PL30, PL 30, PL-30, DA-100, DA100, DA 100, DA10, DA 10, DA-10, 8430, Analyzing Data with Power BI Training, 20778, Power BI, data analyst, training, course, modelling, visualising, analysing, data, access, process, sources, relational, non-relational, security, standards, policies, datasets, groups, managing, deploying, reports, dashboards, sharing, content distribution, paginated reports, workspace, inclusion, business requirements, technical requirements, best practices, implementation, publishing, Power BI service, data sources, content distribution, data security, data visualization, data analysis, data modeling, data processing, Power BI spectrum, Power BI training, Power BI course, Power BI training course, Power B, Powr BI, Powr B, Data analist, trainig, modling, visualizing, analizing, securty, stadards, polices, dashbords, paginated, requirments. Power BI, dataanalytiker, utbildning, kurs, modellering, visualisering, analys, data, åtkomst, process, källor, relationella, icke-relationella, säkerhet, standarder, policys, dataset, grupper, hantering, distribution, rapporter, instrumentpaneler, delning, innehållsdistribution, paginerade rapporter, arbetsyta, inkludering, affärsbehov, tekniska krav, bästa praxis, implementering, publicering, Power BI-tjänst, datakällor, innehållsdistribution, datasekretess, datavisualisering, dataanalys, datamodellering, dataprocessering, Power BI-spektrum, Power BI-utbildning, Power BI-kurs, Power BI-utbildningskurs, stavfel Power B, Powr BI, Powr B, Dataanalysator, träning, modellering, visualisering, analys, säkerhet, standarder, policys, instrumentpaneler, paginerade, krav.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 26 110 kr -
Learn to manage Power BI platform in your org. Configure access, monitor usage, and manage licenses. Join our Power BI Admin training today!
Power BI, Microsoft Power BI, BI platform, manage, administrator, configure, access settings, users, monitor, usage, organization, license, Power B1, Microsft Power BI, B1 platform, administrater, acess, lisence
Advanced1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from 9 170 kr -
Learn to use Microsoft Power BI dashboard in one day. Build your own data reports and dashboards with instructor support.
Power BI, dashboard, training, workshop, navigate, use, Microsoft, build, data, reports, dashboards, instructor, Power B1, Power B1 dashboard, traning, workshp, navigat, us, Micosoft, bild, dat, repots, dashbords, instruktor. Power BI, instrumentpanel, utbildning, workshop, navigera, använda, Microsoft, bygga, data, rapporter, instrumentpaneler, instruktör, stavfel Power B1, Power B1 instrumentpanel, träning, workshp, navigat, us, Micosoft, bild, dat, repots, dashbords, instruktör.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from 9 170 kr -
In this Power BI Paginated Reports Training course, you will learn how to create, publish, and distribute paginated reports in Microsoft Power BI.
Power BI, paginated reports, training, create, publish, distribute, Microsoft, hands-on, navigate, explore, dashboard, analytics, data visualization, report design, Power PI, paginatd, repots, traning, pubish, distribut, Mircosoft, dashbord, analitics, data vizualization, report desing Power BI, paginerade rapporter, utbildning, skapa, publicera, distribuera, Microsoft, praktiskt, navigera, utforska, instrumentpanel, analys, datavisualisering, rapportdesign, stavfel Power PI, paginatd, repots, traning, pubish, distribut, Mircosoft, dashbord, analitics, data vizualization, report desing.
Advanced2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 15 330 kr -
Learn advanced Power BI visualisation techniques, including report layouts, design patterns, and best practices for creating great reports and dashboards.
Power BI, Advanced Visualization, Reports, Dashboards, Expert, Agile process, Data visualizations, Design patterns, Best practices, Authoring, Great reports, Great dashboards, PowerBI, PowerB1, Power VI, PowerBV, Advanced visualisation, Data visualization, Report layout, Dashboard layout, Data visualization patterns, Power BI expert, Power BI training. Power BI, Avancerad visualisering, Rapporter, Instrumentpaneler, Expert, Agil process, Data visualiseringar, Designmönster, Bästa praxis, Författande, Fantastiska rapporter, Fantastiska instrumentpaneler, PowerBI, PowerB1, Power VI, PowerBV, Avancerad visualisering, Data visualisering, Rapportlayout, Instrumentpanelslayout, Data visualiseringsmönster, Power BI-expert, Power BI-utbildning.
Advanced1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from 9 170 kr -
Learning Tree
Learn DAX from beginner to intermediate level. Covers syntax, structured writing, Data Analysis, and DAX Studio. Start your journey now.
DAX, Power BI, Data Analysis Expressions, syntax, structured, DAX editor, DAX Studio, functions, iterator, statistical, Calculated Columns, Tables, Measures, Quick Measures, DAX Context, CALCULATE function, Data Model, Date Dimension, Time Intelligence Functions, Row Level Security DAKS, Power PI, Data Anylsis Expressions, DAX editer, DAX Stduio, fucntions, iterater, statstical, Calculated Colmuns, Tabels, Measurments, Quick Measurments, DAX Contex, CALCULATE fucntion, Data Modle, Date Dimention, Time Intellgence Fucntions, Row Level Secuirty. DAX, Power BI, Data Analysis Expressions, syntax, strukturerad, DAX-redigerare, DAX Studio, funktioner, iterator, statistisk, Beräknade kolumner, Tabeller, Mått, Snabba mått, DAX-kontext, CALCULATE-funktion, Datamodell, Datumdimension, Tidsintelligensfunktioner, Radnivåsäkerhet. Felstavningar DAKS, Power PI, Data Anylsis Expressions, DAX editer, DAX Stduio, fucntions, iterater, statstical, Beräknade kolumner, Tabels, Measurments, Snabba mått, DAX Contex, CALCULATE fucntion, Datamodle, Datum Dimention, Tidsintellgence Fucntions, Radnivåsäkerhet.
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 16 730 kr -
Learning Tree
Learning Tree's SQL Server training course covers SQL Server basics: database management, table creation, and query writing for beginners.
SQL Server 2016, Microsoft SQL Server Training Course SQL Server 2019, SQL Server training, SQL Server course, SQL Server tutorial, SQL Server classes, SQL Server workshop, SQL Server program, SQL Server education, SQL Server certification, SQL Server learning, SQL Server development, SQL Server administration, SQL Server BI stack, Integration Services, Analysis Services, Reporting Services, SQL Server tools, SQL Server benefits, SQL Server platform, SQL Server data management, SQL Server Business Intelligence, SQL Server implementation, SQL Server features, SQL Server hands-on course Sequel Server SQL Serverr SQl Server SQL Servr SQL Serer SQL Sevrer SQL Server training course SQL Server® training course SQL Server-utbildning, SQL Server-kurs, SQL Server-tutorial, SQL Server-klasser, SQL Server-workshop, SQL Server-program, SQL Server-utbildning, SQL Server-certifiering, SQL Server-inlärning, SQL Server-utveckling, SQL Server-administration, SQL Server BI-stack, Integration Services, Analysis Services, Reporting Services, SQL Server-verktyg, SQL Server-fördelar, SQL Server-plattform, SQL Server-datahantering, SQL Server Business Intelligence, SQL Server-implementering, SQL Server-funktioner, SQL Server-hands-on-kurs Sequel Server SQL Serverr SQl Server SQL Servr SQL Serer SQL Sevrer SQL Server-utbildningskurs SQL Server®-utbildningskurs
Foundation4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 32 130 kr -
Learning Tree
Learn to design BI Data Models for Power BI or Excel dashboards in our Designing Data Models in Excel for Power BI Reports Training.
Designing, Data Models, Excel, Power BI, Reports, Training, Interactive, Dashboard, Importing, Cleansing, Merging, Analysing, PivotTable, Business Insights, Management Decisions, Mis-spellings Desiging, Dta, model, PowerBI, PivotTable, buisness, insigths Design, Datamodeller, Excel, Power BI, Rapporter, Utbildning, Interaktiv, Instrumentpanel, Importering, Rengöring, Sammanfogning, Analys, PivotTable, Affärsinsikter, Ledningsbeslut, Felskrivningar Desiging, Dta, modell, PowerBI, PivotTable, buisness, insigths.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 19 530 kr -
Learning Tree
The SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) training teaches data integration and transformation with package creation, execution & deployment for beginners.
SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) Training for Business Intelligence, SSIS, SQL Server Integration Services, business intelligence, migration tasks, auditing, data transformation, heterogeneous data sources, text files, Oracle, Access, XML, ODBC, OLE DB, data migration, data management, dynamic packages, reporting, SSIS server, complex data migrations, scripting, automate, success or failure, secure data management, platforms, data processing, enhance package functionality, deploy packages, solve data management problems, transform data. SSIS training SQL Server Integration Services training business intellegence migration taks heterogenous data sources OLEDB data managment dynamic pakages SSIS server training data procesing enhance pakage functionality deploy pakagesolve data managment problemtransform data training SSIS, SQL Server Integration Services, affärsintelligens, migrationsuppgifter, revision, datatransformation, heterogena datakällor, textfiler, Oracle, Access, XML, ODBC, OLE DB, datamigration, datahantering, dynamiska paket, rapportering, SSIS-server, komplexa datamigrationer, skriptning, automatisera, framgång eller misslyckande, säker datahantering, plattformar, dataprocessering, förbättra paketfunktionalitet, distribuera paket, lösa datahanteringsproblem, transformera data. SSIS-utbildning SQL Server Integration Services-utbildning affärsintelligens migrationsuppgifter heterogena datakällor OLEDB datahantering dynamiska paket SSIS-serverutbildning dataprocessering förbättra paketfunktionalitet distribuera paket lösa datahanteringsproblem transformera data-utbildning
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 32 130 kr -
Learning Tree
Join our 2-day hands-on course on Microsoft Fabric to master data management and analytics using this all-in-one platform. Ideal for data professionals looking to enhance their skills.
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-class -
Achieve BCS Practitioner Certificate in Modelling Business Processes & learn to apply industry standard business process modelling & analysis techniques.
BCS Modelling Business Processes, business process modelling, analysis techniques, business process improvement, Requirements Engineering, BPI, development cost, potential re-work, high-quality products, business value, BCS Modelling Business Processes exam, modelling, analysis, improvement, practises, framework, industry-standard, investigation, add value, reduce cost, business processes, BCS Modeling Business Processes, busines process modeling, analisis techniques, BPI, Requirements Engeneering, modling, busines proces, proces improvement BCS Modelling Business Processes, business process modelling, analysis techniques, business process improvement, Requirements Engineering, BPI, development cost, potential re-work, high-quality products, business value, BCS Modelling Business Processes exam, modelling, analysis, improvement, practices, framework, industry-standard, investigation, add value, reduce cost, business processes, BCS Modelling Business Processes, business process modelling, analysis techniques, BPI, Requirements Engineering, modelling, business process, process improvement.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 19 530 kr -
Attend this 3-day foundation course & start preparing for the BCS Requirements Engineering exam at the end of the course.
BCS Certificate in Requirements Engineering, requirements management, project delivery, high-quality, mission-critical, well-documented, well-formed, BCS Requirements Engineering exam, business scenario, Pass mark, International Diploma in Business Analysis, Chartered Institute for IT, foundation level course, practitioner level courses, oral examination, examiners, BCS Associate Member, career enrichment, exam candidate, requirments, enginering, buisness, analisis, assosiate, benifited BCS Certificate in Requirements Engineering, requirements management, project delivery, high-quality, mission-critical, well-documented, well-formed, BCS Requirements Engineering exam, business scenario, Pass mark, International Diploma in Business Analysis, Chartered Institute for IT, foundation level course, practitioner level courses, oral examination, examiners, BCS Associate Member, career enrichment, exam candidate, requirements, engineering, business, analysis, associate, benefited.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 19 530 kr -
Learning Tree
In this hands-on Oracle PL/SQL training course, you will learn how to execute PL/SQL programmes, build stored procedures, execute modular applications & more.
Oracle, PL/SQL, training, productivity, performance, scalability, portability, security, database, execute, programmes, stored procedures, modular applications, efficiency, data movement, developer, Oracal, PL/SQL training, porformance, secutiry, databse, execyte, programms, moduler, developper. Oracle, PL/SQL, utbildning, produktivitet, prestanda, skalbarhet, portabilitet, säkerhet, databas, utföra, program, lagrade procedurer, modulära applikationer, effektivitet, datarörelse, utvecklare, stavfel Oracal, PL/SQL-utbildning, porformance, secutiry, databse, execyte, programms, moduler, utvecklare.
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 34 230 kr -
Learning Tree's DP-300 Certification training provides the knowledge to administer a SQL Server database infrastructure for cloud & hybrid relational databases.
dp300, Microsoft Azure, SQL Solutions, DP-300, Certification Training, SQL Server, database infrastructure, cloud, on-premises, hybrid, relational databases, Microsoft PaaS, applications, content delivery, Microsoft Azur, SQL Solushions, DP-300, Certifcation Training, SQL Server, database infrastrcture, clud, on-premises, hybird, relatonal databases, Micrsoft PaaS, applicatons, content delivry. Microsoft Azure, SQL-lösningar, DP-300, certifieringsträning, SQL Server, databasinfrastruktur, moln, lokala installationer, hybrid, relationella databaser, Microsoft PaaS, applikationer, innehållsleverans, stavfel Microsoft Azur, SQL Solushions, DP-300, Certifcation Training, SQL Server, database infrastrcture, clud, on-premises, hybird, relatonal databases, Micrsoft PaaS, applicatons, content delivry.
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 30 730 kr -
In this 2-day Microsoft SQL Training, you'll learn the basics of Microsoft's dialect of the standard SQL language: Transact-SQL.
DP080, Query, Data, Microsoft, Transact-SQL, Training, SQL language, Relational databases, Microsoft SQL Server, Azure SQL Database, Azure Synapse Analytics, Querying, Modifying, Data analyst, Data engineer, Data scientist, Database administrator, Database developer, Solution architects, Students, Technology managers, Transact SQL, TransactSQL, SQL Server, Azure SQL, Synapse Analytics Fråga, Data, Microsoft, Transact-SQL, Utbildning, SQL-språk, Relationella databaser, Microsoft SQL Server, Azure SQL-databas, Azure Synapse Analytics, Frågor, Modifiering, Dataanalytiker, Dataingenjör, Datavetenskapsman, Databasadministratör, Databasutvecklare, Lösningarkitekter, Studenter, Teknikchefer, Transact SQL, TransactSQL, SQL Server, Azure SQL, Synapse Analytics.
Foundation2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 17 430 kr -
Learning Tree
This hands-on relational database design course provides a comprehensive foundation for designing, building & working with relational databases.
relational database, database design, Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, business requirements, normalisation, denormalisation, performance optimisation, database documentation, CASE tools, code simplification, performance improvement, database design error realtional database, databse design, Oracel, SQL Server, My SQL, normaliztion, denormlization, performence optimization, databse documentation, CASE tols, code simplification, performnce improvement, databse design erors relationsdatabas, databasdesign, Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, affärskrav, normalisering, denormalisering, prestandaoptimering, databasdokumentation, CASE-verktyg, kodförenkling, prestandaförbättring, databasdesignfel
Foundation4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 27 950 kr -
CompTIA Data+® is an early-career data analytics certification for professionals tasked with developing and promoting data-driven business decision-making.
plus, dataplus, CompTIA Data+, certification, data analytics, job roles, business intelligence, collecting data, analyzing data, reporting data, priorities, business decision-making, mining data, manipulating data, visualizing data, statistical methods, complex datasets, governance, quality standards, data life cycle. Comp TIA Dataplus, data analysis, data visualisation, data manipulation, statiscal methods, governance standards, data lifecycle.
Foundation5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 27 930 kr -
This CompTIA DataSys+ Certification Training provides comprehensive training covering all exam objectives to help you prepare for the DataSys+ certification exam.
plus, datasysplus, The CompTIA DataSys+ certification validates the core knowledge and skills required for IT professionals working with data systems and infrastructure. This CompTIA DataSys+ Certification Training provides comprehensive training covering all exam objectives to help you prepare for the DataSys+ certification exam. In this training, you will gain a vendor-neutral understanding of key concepts and practices across the data flow. Through expert instruction and hands-on labs, you will learn how to work with data acquisition, processing, storage, security, analysis, and more.
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-class -
Learning Tree
Unlock PostgreSQL's full potential with our 3-day hands-on training. Learn to install, configure, manage, and optimize databases efficiently.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 25 150 kr -
Learn to configure, secure, and optimize Azure Database for PostgreSQL. Master data migration and advanced features in this hands-on, 1-day course.
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from 10 455 kr -
Learn to build AI-powered apps with Azure Database for PostgreSQL. Integrate AI, ML, and more in this hands-on, 1-day intermediate course.
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from 10 455 kr -
Learning Tree
This Tableau Visual Analytics course will teach you to create interactive visualisations to deliver business insights using real-time data models.
Tableau, Visual Analytics, training, learn, empower, organisation, self-service, BI, platforms, data analytics, gain access, critical, business information, Tableo, Vizual, Analitics, traning, orginization, selfservis, B, platfoms, data analitics, buisness. Tableau, Visual Analytics, utbildning, lära sig, stärka, organisation, självbetjäning, BI, plattformar, dataanalys, få tillgång, kritisk, affärsinformation, stavfel Tableo, Vizual, Analitics, traning, orginization, selfservis, B, platfoms, data analitics, buisness.
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 26 110 kr -
Learning Tree
Learn data visualisation with Python using NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, and Seaborn in this training course for better data analytics.
Data Visualization, Python, Training, NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Data Analytics, data visualisation, data visualization, python training, numpy, pandas, matplotlib, seaborn, data analytics Data Visualisering, Python, Utbildning, NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Dataanalys, datavisualisering, datavisualisering, Python-utbildning, numpy, pandas, matplotlib, seaborn, dataanalys.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 23 730 kr -
Learning Tree
Take your Tableau skills to the next level with our Advanced Tableau course. Harness the full potential of data visualization and analysis.
Tableau training, Tableau course, advanced Tableau, Tableau Qualified Associate, Tableau certification, Tableau tutorial, Tableau workshop, Tableau learning, Tableau classes, Tableau education, Tableau skills, Tableau development, Tableau mastery, Tableau expertise, Tableau navigation, Tableau visualization, Tableau data analysis, Tableau dashboard, Tableau reporting, Tableau software, Tableau tools, Tableau platform, Tableau interface, Tableau features, Tableau functions, Tableau techniques, Tableau best practices, Tableau tips, Tableau tricks, Tableau hacks, Tableau shortcuts, Tableau basics, Tableau fundamentals, Tableau essentials, Tableau introduction, Tableau overview, Tableau demo, Tableau trial, Tableau free, Tableau online, Tableau virtual, Tableau remote, Tableau live, Tableau in-person, Tableau classroom, Tableau instructor-led, Tableau self-paced, Tableau on-demand, Tableau flexible, Tableau personalized, Tableau customized, Tableau tailored. Tabelau, Tabeleau, Tableu, Tabluea, Tablea, Tablau, Tabelu, Tabealu, Tableo, Tableou, Tableoua, Tableauu., Tableau, Advanced, Training, course, Introduction, knowledge, Qualified Associate, enhance, build, learned, level, , Tableo, Advansed, Traninig, cousre, Introdution, knowlege, Qualifed Assosiate, enahnce, bulid, leared, levl Tableau, Avancerad, Utbildning, kurs, Introduktion, kunskap, Kvalificerad Associate, förbättra, bygga, lärt, nivå, semantiskt relaterade navigeringsord, stavfel Tableo, Advansed, Traninig, cousre, Introdution, knowlege, Qualifed Assosiate, förbättra, bygga, lärt, nivå.
Advanced3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 26 110 kr -
Learning Tree
In this hands-on Crystal Reports course, learn to create sophisticated reports & transform raw data into meaningful information. Attend in-class or online.
CRYSTAL REPORT, CRYSTALREPORT, CRYST, CRYSTAL REPORTT, Crystal Reports, Crystal Reports training, create reports, data sources, link data, format data, retrieve data, distribute reports, integrate reports, website integration, application integration, .NET integration, sophisticated reports, meaningful information, compelling presentations, hands-on training, detailed process, widespread distribution, Cyrstal Reports, Cyrstal Reports training, Cyrstal Reports course, Cyrstal Reports training course. Crystal Reports, Crystal Reports-utbildning, skapa rapporter, datakällor, länka data, formatera data, hämta data, distribuera rapporter, integrera rapporter, webbplatsintegration, applikationsintegration, .NET-integration, sofistikerade rapporter, meningsfull information, övertygande presentationer, praktisk träning, detaljerad process, omfattande distribution, Cyrstal Reports, Cyrstal Reports-utbildning, Cyrstal Reports-kurs, Cyrstal Reports-utbildningskurs.
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 27 950 kr -
Learning Tree
The Data Insights & Visualization Professional Certificate Program equips individuals with an integrated learning model that combines training, assessment, coaching, and collaboration.
FoundationMulti-Week -
Learning Tree
Master Tableau dashboards in just 1 day with our intermediate course, and unlock the secrets to impactful data visualization and reporting.
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from 9 730 kr -
Learning Tree
Learn Data Governance & assess Data Maturity with IEC/ISO 38505 standards. Get trained now!
Data Governance, Assessing Data Maturity, Data Strategy, IEC/ISO 38505, Data Standards, New Services, Products, Organisations, Implementation, Development, Training, Understanding, Customers, Delivery, Plan, Standards Data Govenrnance Assessing Data Maturty Data Startegy IEC/ISO 38505 Data Goverance Standards Data Standrads New Serivces Orgnizations Implemntation Developemnt Traning Undersatnding Cusotmers Delivary Plen Standars Datastyrning, Utvärdering av datamognad, Datastrategi, IEC/ISO 38505, Datastandarder, Nya tjänster, Produkter, Organisationer, Implementering, Utveckling, Utbildning, Förståelse, Kundfokus, Leverans, Plan, Standarder Data Govenrnance Assessing Data Maturty Data Startegy IEC/ISO 38505 Data Goverance Standards Data Standrads New Serivces Orgnizations Implemntation Developemnt Traning Undersatnding Cusotmers Delivary Plen Standars
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 19 530 kr -
Learning Tree
Gain hands-on expertise in Apache Kafka with our comprehensive training. Learn to build scalable, real-time data streaming applications.
Apache Kafka, hands-on training, command line, programmatic access, Java, publish/subscribe, asynchronous communication, producers, consumers, reliable data delivery, data pipelines, streaming data, event streaming platform, real-time, event sources, databases, sensors, mobile devices, cloud services, social media, software applications, streams of events, durable storage, manipulation, processing, reaction, destination technologies, continuous flow, interpretation, Java SE, Python, skills, fast data, Learning Tree Exam, developer Kafka broker, configuring, process streaming data, Apachi Kafka, Kafca, Kaffka, Apach Kafka, Apache Kafka, hands-on training, command line, programmatic access, Java, publish/subscribe, asynchronous communication, producers, consumers, reliable data delivery, data pipelines, streaming data, event streaming platform, real-time data, event sources, databases, sensors, mobile devices, cloud services, social media, software applications, event streams, durable storage, manipulation, processing, reaction, destination technologies, continuous flow, interpretation, Java SE, Python, skills, fast data, Learning Tree Exam, developer Kafka broker, Kafka producer, Kafka consumer, configuring, process streaming data. Apachi Kafka handson training programatic accespublish/subscribe idiom reliable data deliver data pipe lineevent streming platform real time data event sorcedurable storage destination tecnologiecontinous flow intepretation Jave SE pyton fast streaming data Learning Tree exam Kafka broker Kafka produser Kafka consummer streaming data processing Apache Kafka, praktisk träning, kommandorad, programmatisk åtkomst, Java, publicera/prenumerera, asynkron kommunikation, producenter, konsumenter, tillförlitlig dataleverans, datapipelines, strömmande data, händelseströmningsplattform, realtidsdata, händelsekällor, databaser, sensorer, mobila enheter, molntjänster, sociala medier, programvaruapplikationer, händelseströmmar, hållbar lagring, manipulation, bearbetning, reaktion, destinations-teknologier, kontinuerlig flöde, tolkning, Java SE, Python, färdigheter, snabb data, Learning Tree Exam, utvecklare Kafka-mäklare, Kafka-producent, Kafka-konsument, konfigurering, processströmmande data. Apachi Kafka handson-träning programmatisk åtkomst publicera/prenumerera-idiom tillförlitlig datalämnad datapipelines händelseströmmande plattform realtidsdata händelsekällor hållbar lagring destinations-teknologier kontinuerligt flöde tolkning Jave SE pyton snabb strömmande data Learning Tree-examen Kafka-mäklare Kafka-producent Kafka-konsument bearbetning av strömmande data.
Foundation2 daysTeam Training -
Learning Tree
Learn Python Data Wrangling: Extract/transform data from databases & Excel tables. Discover the benefits of NumPy & Pandas for efficient data cleaning.
Python, data wrangling, course, learn, extract, transform, sources, database, vaults, Excel, financial tables, insights, avoid, traditional, cleaning methods, languages, specialised, functions, NumPy, Pandas, Pyton, data wranggling, tranform, sourses, databse, vults, Exel, finansial, insites, traditonal, cleanin, languges, spezialised, functons, NumPy, Pandass. Python, datahantering, kurs, lära sig, extrahera, transformera, källor, databas, valv, Excel, finansiella tabeller, insikter, undvika, traditionella, rengöringsmetoder, språk, specialiserade, funktioner, NumPy, Pandas, stavfel Pyton, datahantering, tranformera, källor, databas, valv, Exel, finansiell, insikter, traditionell, rengöring, språk, specialiserade, funktioner, NumPy, Pandass.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 23 730 kr -
Learning Tree's Azure Data Science certification course teaches you how to operate machine learning solutions at cloud scale using Azure Machine Learning.
DP100, Azure, Data Science, Certification, Training, DP-100, machine learning, cloud scale, Python, data ingestion, data preparation, model training, deployment, solution monitoring, Microsoft Azure, Azur, Datascience, Certificatoin, Traning, DP100, machin learning, clod scale, Pyton, data ingetion, data preperation, model traning, deployement, soluton monitoring, Microsoft Azur Azure, Data Science, Certifiering, Utbildning, DP-100, maskininlärning, molnskala, Python, datainsamling, datapreparation, modellträning, distribution, lösningövervakning, Microsoft Azure, stavfel Azur, Datavetenskap, Certificatoin, Traning, DP100, machin learning, clod scale, Pyton, data ingetion, data preperation, model traning, deployement, soluton monitoring, Microsoft Azur.
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 27 000 kr -
This Microsoft Fabric (DP-601) course is designed to build your foundational skills in data engineering on Microsoft Fabric, focusing on the Lakehouse concept.
applied skills, applied, skills, dp-601, dp601, dp 601, This course is designed to build your foundational skills in data engineering on Microsoft Fabric, focusing on the Lakehouse concept. This Microsoft Fabric (DP-601) Training course will explore the powerful capabilities of Apache Spark for distributed data processing and the essential techniques for efficient data management, versioning, and reliability by working with Delta Lake tables. This course will also explore data ingestion and orchestration using Dataflows Gen2 and Data Factory pipelines. This course includes a combination of lectures and hands-on exercises that will prepare you to work with Lakehouses in Microsoft Fabric.
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-class -
Boost your skills in Azure Files and Azure Blob Storage Security with our (AZ-1003) course. Learn to configure, manage, and secure Azure storage.
applied skills, applied, skills, AZ-1003, AZ1003, AZ 1003, Azure Files, Azure Blob Storage, AZ-1003, Storage Security, Azure Training, Blob Container Management, File Share Configuration, Storage Account Creation, Encryption Practices, Azure Networking, Data Protection, Storage Redundancy, Secure Transfer, TLS Configuration, Storage Lifecycle Management, Private Endpoints, Service Endpoints, Azure Storage Firewalls, Virtual Networks, Microsoft-managed Keys, Customer-managed Keys, Azure Administrator, IT Infrastructure, Cloud Security, Auzre Files, Azuer Blob Storage, AZ-100, Stroage Security, Azrue Training, Blop Container Management, File Sahre Configuration, Stroage Account Creation, Encyrption Practices, Azure Netowrking, Dta Protection, Stroage Redundnacy, Secure Trnasfer, TLS Confiugration, Storage Lifecylce Management, Private Endpionts, Service Endpoitns, Azure Storage Firewals, Virtaul Networks, Mircosoft-managed Keys, Customer-managed Kyes, Azure Administartor, IT Infrasturcture, Cloud Secuirty, Azure Files, Azure Blob Storage, AZ-1003, Lagringssäkerhet, Azure-utbildning, Hantering av Blob-container, Konfiguration av Fildelning, Skapande av Lagringskonto, Krypteringsmetoder, Azure-nätverk, Dataskydd, Redundans i Lagring, Säker överföring, TLS-konfiguration, Hantering av Lagringslivscykel, Privata Slutpunkter, Tjänsteslutpunkter, Brandväggar för Azure Storage, Virtuella Nätverk, Microsoft-hanterade Nycklar, Kundhanterade Nycklar, Azure-administratör, IT-infrastruktur, Molnsäkerhet
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from 9 170 kr -
Learn Azure DevOps Pipeline Security in course AZ-2001: Enhance IT skills with hands-on experience in secure pipeline configuration and management.
applied skills, applied, skills, AZ-2001, AZ2001, AZ 2001, Azure DevOps Security, AZ-2001 Course, Pipeline Configuration, Secure Repository Management, Identity Management in DevOps, Azure Pipeline Extensions, Secure Access Management, Permission Validation Azure, Azure DevOps Templates, IT Professional Training, Azure DevOps Certification, Online IT Security Course, In-Person IT Training, Intermediate IT Skills Development, Auzre DevOps Securty, AZ-2100 Couse, Pipelne Configuraton, Secur Repository Managment, Identty Managment in DevOps, Azure Pipelne Extentions, Secure Acess Managment, Permision Validation Azure, Azure DevOps Temlates, IT Proffesional Training, Azure DevOps Certifcation, Onlie IT Security Couse, In-Person IT Traning, Intermedate IT Skils Development, Säkerhet i Azure DevOps, AZ-2001 Kurs, Konfiguration av Pipeline, Säker Förvaltning av Repository, Identitetshantering i DevOps, Utökningar av Azure Pipeline, Säker Åtkomsthantering, Behörighetsvalidering Azure, Mallar för Azure DevOps, IT-professionell Utbildning, Certifiering i Azure DevOps, Onlinekurs i IT-säkerhet, Personlig IT-utbildning, Utveckling av Mellannivå IT-färdigheter
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from 9 170 kr -
Learn how to harness the power of Apache Spark and powerful clusters running on the Azure Databricks platform to run data analytics workloads in a data lakehouse.
Azure Databricks, Data Engineers, Data Scientists, Apache Spark, Clusters, Cloud, Data Pipelines, Machine Learning Models, Data Analysis, Delivery Methods, In-Person, Online, Private Team Training, Data Engineering Tasks, Big Data, Cloud Environment, Data Workflows, Data Scalability, Advanced Machine Learning, Exam DP-203, Data Engineering on Microsoft Azure, Training Outline, Azure Databricks Workloads, Spark Clusters, Spark Notebooks, Data Files, Data Visualization, Delta Lake, Delta Lake Tables, SQL Warehouses, Databases, Queries, Dashboards, Azure Databricks Notebooks, Azure Data Factory, Linked Service, Notebook Activity, Pipeline Parameters, Visualisation, Azure Databricks, Data Engineers, Data Scientists, Apache Spark, Kluster, Moln, Data Pipelines, Maskininlärningsmodeller, Dataanalys, Leveransmetoder, På plats, Online, Privat Teamutbildning, Uppgifter inom Data Engineering, Big Data, Molnmiljö, Dataarbetsflöden, Datas skalbarhet, Avancerad maskininlärning, Exam DP-203, Data Engineering på Microsoft Azure, Utbildningsöversikt, Arbetsbelastningar i Azure Databricks, Spark-kluster, Spark-anteckningsböcker, Datafiler, Datavisualisering, Delta Lake, Delta Lake-tabeller, SQL-lager, Databaser, Frågor, Instrumentpaneler, Azure Databricks-anteckningsböcker, Azure Data Factory, Länkad tjänst, Anteckningsboksaktivitet, Pipelinparametrar
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from 9 170 kr -
Boost your career in data analytics and become an Azure Synapse expert. This training course equips you to design and implement data analytics solutions.
SQL dedicated pool, serverless Spark pool, data wrangling, ELT process, Synapse Pipelines, Azure Data Factory, dedicated pool databases, serverless SQL pools, querying CSV, querying JSON, querying Parquet, Apache Spark, Delta Lake, relational data warehouse schema, notebooks, Spark engine, SQL, Python, Azure tools, business problems, core capabilities, external database objects, fact tables, dimension tables, staging tables, SQL dedikerad pool, serverlös Spark pool, data wrangling, ELT-process, Synapse Pipelines, Azure Data Factory, dedikerade pool databaser, serverlösa SQL-pooler, fråga CSV, fråga JSON, fråga Parquet, Apache Spark, Delta Lake, schema för relationellt data warehouse, anteckningsböcker, Spark motor, SQL, Python, Azure-verktyg, affärsproblem, kärnfunktioner, externa databasobjekt, faktabeller, dimensions tabeller, staging tabeller
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from 9 170 kr -
Microsoft Fabric Analytics Engineer DP 600 Training Course. Gain the skills to transform data, manage pipelines, and prepare for the DP-600 exam.
Microsoft Fabric Analytics Engineer, DP-600, delivery methods, training information, plan solution, data analytics, prepare data, semantic models, explore data, certification exam, training prerequisites, data concepts, Azure AI Fundamentals, Power BI Data Analyst, certification information, Implementing Analytics Solutions, training outline, course introduction, data ingestion, lakehouses, Apache Spark, data warehouses, query optimisation, Power BI scalability, Power BI security, Microsoft Fabric Analytics Engineer, DP-600, leveransmetoder, utbildningsinformation, planera lösning, dataanalys, förbereda data, semantiska modeller, utforska data, certifieringsexamen, utbildningsförutsättningar, datakoncept, Azure AI Fundamentals, Power BI Data Analyst, certifieringsinformation, Implementera analyslösningar, utbildningsöversikt, kursintroduktion, datainsamling, sjöhus, Apache Spark, datalager, frågeoptimering, Power BI skalbarhet, Power BI säkerhet
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 30 730 kr -
Learn to implement, load, monitor, and query a data warehouse in Microsoft Fabric with our DP-602 course. Perfect for beginners looking to enhance their data engineering skills.
applied skills, applied skill, Dp 602, dp602, dp-602, Data warehouse, Microsoft Fabric, T-SQL, data engineering, data analysis, data loading, query, monitoring, Data warehouse, Microsoft Fabric, T-SQL, dataingenjörskap, dataanalys, dataladdning, fråga, övervakning. microsoft fabric data warehouse, applied skills, load data, microsoft partner, data engineering skills, specific skill set, role - based certification, data warehouses, data modeling, loading data, data scientist, data structures, raw data, data science, data integration, programming language, data from multiple sources, high level, data set, database system, analyze data, business analysts, data modelling techniques, database management systems, business requirements, include data, data transformation, cloud computing, inform decisions, data mart
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from 9 950 kr -
Learning Tree
This hands-on Introduction to Decision Analysis gives you the tools required to make better, more informed and justifiable decisions.
Introduction to Decision Analysis, tools, make better decisions, informed decisions, justifiable decisions, structured analysis, formal analysis, creativity, issues, comprehensive toolkit, effectiveness, organizational decision-making, personal decision-making, lightweight modelling, rapid modelling, agile modelling, problems, definitions, analyses, conclusions, actions, structuring assumptions, mathematical modelling, techniques, overview, foundation, deeper study, decision-making needs. Introdution to Decision Analysidecission analysidesicion analysidecision analisidesicion analisianalisyanalisianalasymoddeling modeling moduling moddelling approriate apporpriate decission-making decisionmaking decission making Introduktion till beslutsanalys, verktyg, bättre beslut, informerade beslut, motiverade beslut, strukturerad analys, formell analys, kreativitet, frågor, omfattande verktygslåda, effektivitet, organisatoriskt beslutsfattande, personligt beslutsfattande, lättviktig modellering, snabb modellering, smidig modellering, problem, definitioner, analyser, slutsatser, åtgärder, strukturerande antaganden, matematisk modellering, tekniker, översikt, grundläggande, djupare studier, behov av beslutsfattande. Introdution to Decision Analysis decission analysis desicion analysis decision analisis desicion analisis analisys analisis analasys moddeling modeling moduling moddelling approriate apporpriate decission-making decisionmaking decission making
Foundation4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 29 330 kr -
Learning Tree
Learn data analysis tools & R environment to draw conclusions. Get hands-on Fundamentals of Statistics training for Data Science.
CHAT GPT, CHAT, CHATGPT, GPT, CHATGPTT, Bard, Bings AI Chat Bot, AI Chat Bot, AI ChatBot, Chat Bot, ChatBot, statistics, data science, data-driven, decision-making, insights, data explorer, distributions, statistical thinking, industry-standard, R environment, number-crunching, technical, managerial, administrative, certification, Learning Tree, Certified Decision Scientist, prerequisites, software packages, inquisitive nature, problem-solving, statstics, datascience, data-drivn, desicion-making, insites, data explrer, distributins, statstical thinking, envrionment, number-crunhing, technicl, manegerial, administrativ, sertification, Lerning Tree, Certified Decisin Scientist, prerequsites, softwere packeges, inquisitve natrue, problm-solving, statstics, datascience, datadriven, statstical, datexplorer, distributons, insite, problm-solving, R envirnment, desicion-making, sertification, technicl, manegerial, administrativ, numbres, inquisitve, software packeges. statistik, datavetenskap, datadriven beslutsfattande, statistiskt resonemang, datautforskare, fördelningar, statistiska metoder, insikt, problemlösning, R-miljö, beslutsfattande, certifiering, teknisk, ledarskap, administrativt, siffror, nyfikenhet, programvarupaket, giltiga insikter, pinsamma misstag, klippkant, formell expansion, intuitiv introduktion, Learning Trees certifierade beslutsforskare-program, tidigare kunskap, stavfel statstics, datascience, datadriven, statstical, datexplorer, distributons, insite, problm-solving, R envirnment, desicion-making, sertification, technicl, manegerial, administrativ, numbres, inquisitve, programvarupaket.
Foundation2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 16 730 kr -
Learning Tree
Unlock the power of data with our hands-on Data Stewardship course. Gain practical experience and master data management, governance, analytics, and more. Enroll today!
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 23 950 kr -
Learn advanced data modeling & shaping in Power BI with DAX formulas & Power Query M language in this course.
Power BI, advanced data modeling, shaping, data analysis expressions, DAX, Power Query M language, data modeling techniques, shaping techniques, advanced data modeling techniques, advanced shaping techniques, data modeling course, shaping course, Power BI course, Power BI training, data modeling training, shaping training, DAX formulas, Power Query M language training, data shaping, data modeling and shaping, advanced Power BI techniques, Power BI data modeling
Advanced2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 20 900 kr -
Learning Tree
Maximise your proficiency using Power BI Service with Power BI for Business Users! Learn to navigate the Power BI Service, & to interact with reports, dashboards, & AI visuals effectively.
Power BI, Business Users, reports, dashboards, objects, Power BI Desktop, Power BI Service, trends, insights, cloud, Dashboards, Reports, Visuals, Apps, navigate, interact, Sorting, Filtering, drill-down, Focus mode, Full-Screen mode, Data Alert, Q&A, human-readable questions, Coaching, Follow-Up sessions, Evaluation, targeted feedback, Powr BI, Buisness Users, repots, dasboards, objcts, Powr BI Desktop, Powr BI Servce, trnds, insghts, Dshboards, Rports, Vsuasl, Aps, navgate, interct, Sortng, Filttering, dril-down, Focs mode, Ful-Screen mode, Data Alrt, Q&A, humn-readable qustions, Coching, Follo-Up sessions, Evluation, targted feedback. Power BI, affärsanvändare, rapporter, instrumentpaneler, objekt, Power BI Desktop, Power BI Service, trender, insikter, moln, instrumentpaneler, rapporter, visualiseringar, appar, navigera, interagera, sortera, filtrera, borra ner, fokusläge, fullskärmsläge, datavarning, frågor och svar, mänskligt läsbara frågor, coachning, uppföljningssessioner, utvärdering, riktad feedback, stavfel Powr BI, Buisness Users, repots, dasboards, objcts, Powr BI Desktop, Powr BI Servce, trnds, insikter, Dshboards, Rports, Vsuasl, Aps, navgate, interct, Sortng, Filttering, dril-down, Focs mode, Ful-Screen mode, Data Alrt, Q&A, humn-readable qustions, Coching, Follo-Up sessions, Evluation, targted feedback.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from 6 600 kr -
Master data analysis and visualisation with Microsoft Power BI training course. Our DP-605 training course prepares you for the exam and equips you with the skills to create compelling reports and dashboards.
Power BI, Dynamic Reports, Delivery Methods, Training Information, Prerequisites, Training Outline, Get Data, Clean, Transform, Load Data, Design Semantic Model, Add Measures, Calculated Tables, Columns, Report Design, Configure Filters, Manage Workspaces, Manage Semantic Models, Data Analytics, Data Visualisation, Data Transformation, Semantic Modelling, Report Distribution, Report Visualisation, Data Sources, Data Cleaning, Data Loading, Data Modelling, DAX Calculations, Report Filters, Workspace Management, Semantic Model Management, Advanced Techniques, Interactive Visuals, Power BI, Dynamiska Rapporter, Leveransmetoder, Utbildningsinformation, Förkunskapskrav, Utbildningsöversikt, Hämta Data, Rensa, Transformera, Ladda Data, Designa Semantisk Modell, Lägg Till Mått, Beräknade Tabeller, Kolumner, Rapportdesign, Konfigurera Filter, Hantera Arbetsytor, Hantera Semantiska Modeller, Dataanalys, Datavisualisering, Datatransformation, Semantisk Modellering, Rapportdistribution, Rapportvisualisering, Datakällor, Datarengöring, Datatillämpning, Datamodellering, DAX-kalkyler, Rapportfilter, Arbetsytshantering, Hantering av Semantiska Modeller, Avancerade Tekniker, Interaktiva Visualiseringar
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from 9 170 kr -
Learning Tree
Learn to embed Power BI reports in ASP.NET Core apps. Secure, interactive, and dynamic web integration in 1-day hands-on course.
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-class -
Learning Tree
In this Advanced SQL course, you learn how to write robust sql queries, test your queries & avoid common errors & pitfalls. Attend in-class or online.
WRITING ADVANCED SQL QUERIES, , WRITI, WRITING ADVANCED SQL QUERIEST, SQL, relational database, SELECT statement, queries, query method, test queries, errors, pitfalls, alternative solutions, efficient solution, advanced SQL, advanced queries, SQL course, database operations, robust queries, hands-on, given problems, potential, exploitation, best query method, application, errors, pitfalls, Sequel, SQl, RELATIONAL DATABASE, SELECT statment, quaries, quary method, test quaries, erors, pitfals, altenative solutions, effecient solution, advanced Sequel, advanced quaries, Sequel course, database oprations, robust quaries, hans-on, givvn problems, potentail, exploitiation, best quary method, applicaion, comman erors, comman pitfals. SQL, relationsdatabas, SELECT-sats, frågor, frågemetod, testfrågor, fel, fallgropar, alternativa lösningar, effektiv lösning, avancerad SQL, avancerade frågor, SQL-kurs, databasoperationer, robusta frågor, praktiskt arbete, givna problem, potential, utnyttjande, bästa frågemetod, applikation, vanliga fel, vanliga fallgropar, stavfel Sequel, SQl, RELATIONELL DATABASE, SELECT-sats, frågor, frågemetod, testfrågor, fel, fallgropar, alternativa lösningar, effektiv lösning, avancerad Sequel, avancerade frågor, Sequel-kurs, databasoperationer, robusta frågor, praktiskt arbete, givna problem, potential, utnyttjande, bästa frågemetod, applikation, vanliga fel, vanliga fallgropar.
Advanced3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 26 110 kr -
Learning Tree
Den här kursen använder sig av SQL Server Management Studio för att hjälpa till att skriva SQL-förfrågningar. Deltagarna får lära sig grunderna i SELECT-, INSERT-, UPDATE- och DELETE-satserna.
SQL Server Management Studio, SQL queries, SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE statements, Query Designer, Query Window, learn SQL, starting point, intensive course, graphically designing SQL queries, no prerequisites, SQL Server Management Studio course, SQL Server, Management Studio, SQL, queries, basic SQL, SQL basics, query writing, SQL syntax, SQL commands, SQL training, SQL for beginners, SQL for dummies, SQL tutorial, SQL learning, SQL course, SQL classes, SQL workshop, SQL education, SQL fundamentals, SQL essentials, SQL skills, SQL knowledge, SQL proficiency, SQL mastery, ly misspelled as SQL Server Management Suit, SQL Server Management Suit, SQL Server Management Studio course, SQL Server Management Studio training, SQL Server Management Studio classes, SQL Server Management Studio workshop, SQL Server Management Studio education, SQL Server Management Studio fundamentals, SQL Server Management Studio essentials, SQL Server Management Studio skills, SQL Server Management Studio knowledge, SQL Server Management Studio proficiency, SQL Server Management Studio mastery. SQL Server Management Studio, SQL-frågor, SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE-satser, Query Designer, Query Window, lära sig SQL, startpunkt, intensivkurs, grafisk design av SQL-frågor, inga förkunskaper, SQL Server Management Studio-kurs, SQL Server, Management Studio, SQL, frågor, grundläggande SQL, SQL-grunder, frågeskrivning, SQL-syntax, SQL-kommandon, SQL-utbildning, SQL för nybörjare, SQL för dummies, SQL-tutorial, SQL-lärande, SQL-kurs, SQL-klasser, SQL-workshop, SQL-utbildning, SQL-grunder, SQL-essentials, SQL-färdigheter, SQL-kunskap, SQL-proffsighet, SQL-mästerskap, vanligtvis stavat som SQL Server Management Suit, SQL Server Management Suit, SQL Server Management Studio-kurs, SQL Server Management Studio-utbildning, SQL Server Management Studio-klasser, SQL Server Management Studio-workshop, SQL Server Management Studio-utbildning, SQL Server Management Studio-grunder, SQL Server Management Studio-essentials, SQL Server Management Studio-färdigheter, SQL Server Management Studio-kunskap, SQL Server Management Studio-proffsighet, SQL Server Management Studio-mästerskap.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from 4 950 kr -
Learning Tree
Attend this 1-day, hands-on Writing SQL Queries course for an introduction to the SQL language used by all relational database products.
SQL programming, SELECT statements, data retrieval, SQL language, SQL queries, SQL syntax, database concepts, programming concepts, relational database design, database tools, database techniques, Microsoft SQL, SQL training, SQL courses, SQL development, SQL review sessions, SQL basics, SQL beginners, SQL for beginners, SQL for developers, SQL for users, SQL access, SQL library, SQL on-demand, SQL Windows, SQL Exchange, SQL Microsoft, SQL 382, SQL 4551, SQL Sequel, Sequel language, Sequel queries, Sequel programming SQL-programmering, SELECT-satser, dataåtervinning, SQL-språk, SQL-frågor, SQL-syntax, databaskoncept, programmeringskoncept, relationsdatabasdesign, databasverktyg, databastekniker, Microsoft SQL, SQL-utbildning, SQL-kurser, SQL-utveckling, SQL-granskningssessioner, SQL-grunder, SQL-nybörjare, SQL för nybörjare, SQL för utvecklare, SQL för användare, SQL-åtkomst, SQL-bibliotek, SQL på begäran, SQL Windows, SQL Exchange, SQL Microsoft, SQL 382, SQL 4551, SQL stavfel Sequel, Sequel-språk, Sequel-frågor, Sequel-programmering.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from 8 900 kr -
Learn to write complex, powerful SQL queries, apply joins & subqueries, & select the most efficient solution to complex SQL problems in this 1-day course.
SQL, SQL Server, queries, powerful, complex, errors, pitfalls, organisation, users, developers, retrieving content, library, Microsoft, on-demand, courses, Windows, Exchange, annual access, instructor-led, writing, Sequel, Sequel Server, quaries, powrful, compleks, erors, pitfals, orginization, usrs, developrs, retreiving, conent, libary, Micosoft, on-deman, corses, Windos, Exchage, anual acces, instructer-led, writting. SQL, SQL Server, frågor, kraftfull, komplex, fel, fallgropar, organisation, användare, utvecklare, hämta innehåll, bibliotek, Microsoft, på begäran, kurser, Windows, Exchange, årlig tillgång, instruktörsledd, skrivande, stavfel Sekvens, Sekvens Server, quaries, powrful, compleks, erors, pitfals, orginization, usrs, developrs, retreiving, conent, libary, Micosoft, on-deman, corses, Windos, Exchage, anual acces, instructer-led, writting.
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from 4 950 kr -
Learn essential SQL Server skills: installation, storage structures, backup/recovery, and security management. Perfect for enterprise data management.
SQL Server, database administration, manage databases, SQL Server tools, SQL Server Management Studio, Transact-SQL, administer databases, database management, protect organization, real-world administrative tasks, SQL Server skills, SQL Server training, SQL Server knowledge, business databases, database security, database maintenance, database backups, database recovery, database performance, SQL Server performance, database optimization, database monitoring, database troubleshooting, database upgrades, database migration, SQL Server certification, SQL Server exam, SQL Server course, SQL Server tutorial, SQL Server guide, SQL Server documentation, SQL Server support, SQL Server community, SQL Server forum, SQL Server blog, SQL Server news, SQL Server updates, SQL Server features, SQL Server versions, SQL Server editions, SQL Server licensing, SQL Server pricing, SQL Server comparison, SQL Server download, SQL Server installation, SQL Server configuration, SQL Server setup, SQL Server migration, SQL Server backup and restore, SQL Server security, SQL Server permissions, SQL Server users, SQL Server roles, SQL Server authentication, SQL Server encryption, SQL Server auditing, SQL Server logging, SQL Server monitoring, SQL Server alerts, SQL Server performance tuning, SQL Server optimization, SQL Server scalability, SQL Server high availability, SQL Server disaster recovery, SQL Server clustering, SQL Server replication, SQL Server mirroring, SQL Server always on, SQL Server cloud, SQL Server virtualization, SQL Server containers, SQL Server DevOps, SQL Server automation, SQL Server PowerShell, SQL Server jobs, SQL Server scheduling, SQL Server maintenance, SQL Server health check, SQL Server diagnostics, SQL Server troubleshooting, SQL Server supportability, SQL Server compatibility, SQL Server migration assistant, SQL Server data tools, SQL Server integration services, SQL Server analysis services, SQL Server reporting services, SQL Server machine learning, SQL Server AI, SQL Server IoT, SQL Server big data, SQL Server data warehousing, SQL Server business intelligence, SQL Server OLAP, SQL Server ETL, SQL Server data modeling, SQL Server database design, SQL Server normalization, SQL Server indexing, SQL Server query optimization, SQL Server stored procedures, SQL Server functions, SQL Server triggers, SQL Server views, SQL Server cursors, SQL Server transactions, SQL Server concurrency, SQL Server locking, SQL Server isolation, SQL Server backup and recovery, SQL Server upgrade advisor, SQL Server performance dashboard, SQL Server profiler, SQL Server trace, SQL Server extended events, SQL Server system databases, SQL Server user databases, SQL Server tempdb, SQL Server master database, SQL Server model database, SQL Server msdb, SQL Server distribution database, SQL Server reportserver database, SQL Server resource database, SQL Server backup device, SQL Server backup file, SQL Server backup strategy, SQL Server backup compression, SQL Server restore strategy SQL Server, databasadministration, hantera databaser, SQL Server-verktyg, SQL Server Management Studio, Transact-SQL, administrera databaser, databashantering, skydda organisationen, verkliga administrativa uppgifter, SQL Server-kunskaper, SQL Server-utbildning, SQL Server-kunskap, affärsdatabaser, databassäkerhet, databasunderhåll, databassäkerhetskopior, databasåterställning, databasprestanda, SQL Server-prestanda, databasoptimering, databasövervakning, databasfelsökning, databasuppgraderingar, databasmigration, SQL Server-certifiering, SQL Server-examen, SQL Server-kurs, SQL Server-tutorial, SQL Server-guide, SQL Server-dokumentation, SQL Server-support, SQL Server-community, SQL Server-forum, SQL Server-blogg, SQL Server-nyheter, SQL Server-uppdateringar, SQL Server-funktioner, SQL Server-versioner, SQL Server-utgåvor, SQL Server-licensiering, SQL Server-prissättning, SQL Server-jämförelse, SQL Server-nedladdning, SQL Server-installation, SQL Server-konfiguration, SQL Server-installation, SQL Server-migration, SQL Server-säkerhet, SQL Server-behörigheter, SQL Server-användare, SQL Server-roller, SQL Server-autentisering, SQL Server-kryptering, SQL Server-revision, SQL Server-loggning, SQL Server-övervakning, SQL Server-aviseringar, SQL Server-prestandajustering, SQL Server-optimering, SQL Server-skalbarhet, SQL Server-hög tillgänglighet, SQL Server-katastrofåterställning, SQL Server-klustering, SQL Server-replikering, SQL Server-spegling, SQL Server-alltid på, SQL Server-moln, SQL Server-virtualisering, SQL Server-behållare, SQL Server-DevOps, SQL Server-automatisering, SQL Server-PowerShell, SQL Server-jobb, SQL Server-schemaläggning, SQL Server-underhåll, SQL Server-hälsokontroll, SQL Server-di
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 32 130 kr -
Learning Tree
Learn to mine business intel from your data with SSRS. Design reports with filters, interactive components, & safeguard with Windows authentication.
SQL Server Reporting Services, SSRS, reporting, business intelligence, enterprise data, reports, visualization, legacy reporting, share information, on-premises, training course, skillset, knowledge, compelling reports, enhanced features, limitations, deliver information, others, SQL Server Report Services, SSRS reporting, bussiness intelligence, enterprise datum, report, visualisation, legecy reporting, share info, on-premises, training course, skill set, knowlege, compelling report, enhanced feature, limitashions, deliver info, othrs. SQL Server Reporting Services, SSRS, rapportering, affärsintelligens, företagsdata, rapporter, visualisering, äldre rapportering, dela information, på plats, utbildningskurs, kompetensuppsättning, kunskap, övertygande rapporter, förbättrade funktioner, begränsningar, leverera information, andra, stavfel SQL Server Report Services, SSRS-rapportering, affärsintelligens, företagsdatum, rapport, visualisering, legecy-rapportering, dela info, på plats, utbildningskurs, kompetensuppsättning, kunskap, övertygande rapport, förbättrad funktion, limitashions, leverera info, othrs.
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 32 130 kr -
Learning Tree
In this hands-on Oracle SQL queries course, learn the full potential of SQL to create complex queries for Oracle databases. Attend in-class or online.
Oracle SQL, Oracle databases, SQL queries, SQL code, query method, SQL and Oracle RDBMS, SQL Programming Language, Oracle Database 12c, productivity, business problems, accuracy, errors, pitfalls, practical skills, intricacy, elegance, Course 925, Course 2226, Oracel SQL, Oracal SQL, SQL quires, SQL quary, SQL and Oracal RDBMS, Oracal Database 12c., SQL queries, Oracle databases, business problems, productivity, query method, accuracy, errors, pitfalls, SQL code, Oracle RDBMS, SQL programming, Oracle Database 12c, SQL quires, Oracal databases, bussiness problems, produtivity, querry method, acuracy, erors, pitfals, SQL coding, Oracle RDMBS, SQL programing, Oracle Database 12c. SQL-frågor, Oracle-databaser, affärsproblem, produktivitet, frågemetod, noggrannhet, fel, fallgropar, SQL-kod, Oracle RDBMS, SQL-programmering, Oracle Database 12c, stavfel SQL-frågor, Oracal-databaser, bussinessproblem, produtivitet, querry-metod, acuracy, erors, pitfals, SQL-kodning, Oracle RDMBS, SQL-programmering, Oracle Database 12c.
Advanced4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 27 950 kr -
Learning Tree
In this Introduction to SQL course, you will learn how to optimise the accessibility and maintenance of data with the SQL programming language.
SQL, SQL programming language, database applications, build databases, query databases, manipulate databases, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, deviations, standard, optimize accessibility, optimize maintenance, data, navigate databases, database management, database development, database design, database administration, SQL syntax, SQL commands, SQL statements, SQL queries, SQL language, SQL course, SQL training, SQL tutorial, SQL basics, SQL fundamentals, SQL for beginners, SQL for dummies, misspelled Sequel, MYSQL, PostgresQL, Microsoft SQL, Orcale. SQL, SQL-programmeringsspråk, databasapplikationer, bygga databaser, fråga databaser, manipulera databaser, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, avvikelser, standard, optimera tillgänglighet, optimera underhåll, data, navigera databaser, databashantering, databasutveckling, databasdesign, databasadministration, SQL-syntax, SQL-kommandon, SQL-uttalanden, SQL-frågor, SQL-språk, SQL-kurs, SQL-utbildning, SQL-handledning, SQL-grunder, SQL-fundament, SQL för nybörjare, SQL för dummies, felstavade sökord Sequel, MYSQL, PostgresQL, Microsoft SQL, Orcale.
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 26 110 kr -
Learning Tree
Learn to create stored procedures, triggers, and T-SQL that maximizes SQL Server's potential with our Transact-SQL training.
SQL Server, T-SQL, Transact-SQL, programming, stored procedures, triggers, development, Microsoft SQL Server, scalable, distributed applications, demanding requirements, comprehensive coverage, skills. SQL Server SQLserver, SQLServer, SQL-server Transact-SQL TransactSQL, Transact Sql, Transact-SQL programming T-SQL TSQL, T Sql, T-SQL development Stored procedures Storedprocedure, Stored-procedures, Stored Proc Triggers Trigger, Triger, Triggers development Microsoft SQL Server MS SQL Server, Microsoft SQLserver, Microsoft SQL, MS SQL SQL Server, T-SQL, Transact-SQL, programmering, lagrade procedurer, utlösare, utveckling, Microsoft SQL Server, skalbar, distribuerade applikationer, krävande krav, omfattande täckning, färdigheter. SQL Server SQLserver, SQLServer, SQL-server Transact-SQL TransactSQL, Transact Sql, Transact-SQL programmering T-SQL TSQL, T Sql, T-SQL utveckling Lagrade procedurer Storedprocedure, Stored-procedures, Stored Proc Utlösare Trigger, Triger, Utlösare utveckling Microsoft SQL Server MS SQL Server, Microsoft SQLserver, Microsoft SQL, MS SQL
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 32 130 kr