DevOps Courses
Learning Tree's DevOps courses offer a wide range of certifications and training programs to help learners master DevOps principles, practices, and tools. From introductory courses on Docker and Kubernetes to advanced certification programs in SecDevOps, Site Reliability Engineering, and Agile Service Management, learners can enhance their skills and expertise in DevOps and prepare for various industry-recognized certifications.
DevOps Institute
Gain expertise with the AIOps Foundation (AIOF) Certification Course, mastering AI, machine learning in IT ops, and transforming digital landscapes.
AIOps Foundation, AIOps Certification, AIOps Course, Machine Learning, Big Data, AI in IT Operations, Digital Transformation, DevOps, Site Reliability, AIOps and MLOps, IT Operations Analytics, AIOps System Stages, AIOps Adoption, Data Complexity, System State Understanding, Big Data Characteristics, Supervised Learning, Unsupervised Learning, Operational Metrics, Proactive Operations, Probabilistic Methods, AIOps Impact, DORA Metrics, AIOps Implementation, Machine Learning Ethics, Data Regulation Standards, Privacy in AI, AIOps history, big data analytics, machine learning algorithms, IT operational landscape, artificial intelligence, machine learning models, AIOps vs MLOps, AIOps benefits, AIOps integration challenges, AIOps exercises, AIOps certification exam, IT terminology, DevOps Institute certification, PeopleCert Exam Voucher, Take2 exam re-sit, instructor coaching, AIOps vs IT Operations Analytics, AIOps core technologies, AIOps system stages, AIOps and DevOps, site reliability, big data sources, supervised vs unsupervised learning, machine learning training, performance metrics, MTTD, MTBF, MTTA, MTTR, service level agreements, reactive vs proactive operations, AIOps organisational impact, AIOps and DORA metrics, machine learning bias, data privacy, AIOps Foundation, AIOps-certifiering, AIOps-kurs, Maskininlärning, Stordata, AI i IT-drift, Digital omvandling, DevOps, Webbplatspålitlighet, AIOps och MLOps, IT-driftsanalys, AIOps-systemstadier, AIOps-anpassning, Datakomplexitet, Förståelse av systemtillstånd, Stordataegenskaper, Övervakat lärande, Oövervakat lärande, Operationella mätvärden, Proaktiva operationer, Sannolikhetsmetoder, AIOps-påverkan, DORA-mätvärden, Implementering av AIOps, Etik inom maskininlärning, Standarder för datalagstiftning, Integritet inom AI, AIOps-historia, analys av stordata, algoritmer för maskininlärning, IT-operationell landskap, artificiell intelligens, modeller för maskininlärning, AIOps vs MLOps, Fördelar med AIOps, Utmaningar i integration av AIOps, Övningar i AIOps, Examen för AIOps-certifiering, IT-terminologi, Certifiering från DevOps-institutet, PeopleCert-examensvoucher, Omprov för Take2-examen, Instruktörscoaching, AIOps vs IT-driftsanalys, Kärnteknologier för AIOps, Systemstadier för AIOps, AIOps och DevOps, Webbplatspålitlighet, Källor till stordata, Övervakat vs oövervakat lärande, Utbildning i maskininlärning, Prestandamätvärden, MTTD, MTBF, MTTA, MTTR, Avtal om servicenivåer, Reaktiva vs proaktiva operationer, Organisatorisk påverkan av AIOps, AIOps och DORA-mätvärden, Fördomar inom maskininlärning, Datasekretess
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 17 430 kr -
DevOps Institute
The Certified Agile Service Manager (CASM) training course provides an introduction to Agile Service Management and prepares you to become a CASM.
Certified Agile Service Manager (CASM) Certification Training Certified Agile Service Manager, CASM, Certification Training, Scrum Master, Agile Service Management, IT, DevOps culture, agile thinking, service management processes, process design projects, efficiency, value. Agile Service Manager Certification Scrum Master Certification Agile Service Management Certification IT efficiency DevOps culture training Certifierad Agile Service Manager, CASM, Certifieringsutbildning, Scrum Master, Agile Service Management, IT, DevOps-kultur, agilt tänkande, tjänstehanteringsprocesser, processdesignprojekt, effektivitet, värde. Vanliga felstavningar Agile Service Manager-certifiering Scrum Master-certifiering Agile Service Management-certifiering IT-effektivitet DevOps-kulturutbildning
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 18 130 kr -
DevOps Institute
This course will provide you with an understanding of Continuous Testing Foundation® practices. Exam is included to test for certification.
Continuous Testing, DevOps, test automation, developers, quality assurance, security, operational teams, IT professionals, testing strategy, DevOps Test Engineering, DevOps pipelines, software testing, certification training, CTF, continous testing, DevOps testing, develpers, quality assurnce, secuirty, IT proffesionals, DevOps test enginering
Intermediate2 daysTeam Training -
Become an Azure DevOps Engineer with our comprehensive AZ-400 training. Learn to plan, deploy, and manage DevOps processes in Azure.
az400, DevOps, DevOps training, DevOps processes, DevOps practices, source control, Git, enterprise, artefacts, dependency management, secrets management, continuous integration, container build, release strategy, release management, deployment pattern, feedback mechanisms, Devop, Dev op, Dev-ops, Git scale, artifects, dependency managment, continous integration, relese strategy, deployment patern. DevOps, DevOps-utbildning, DevOps-processer, DevOps-praktiker, källkontroll, Git, företag, artefakter, beroendehantering, hantering av hemligheter, kontinuerlig integration, containerbyggnad, utgivningsstrategi, utgivningshantering, distributionsmönster, feedbackmekanismer, stavfel Devop, Dev op, Dev-ops, Git-skala, artifakter, beroendehantering, kontinuerlig integration, utgivningsstrategi, distributionsmönster.
Advanced4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 27 000 kr -
DevOps Institute
The DevOps Foundation® (DOFD) Certification training includes a collection of basic DevOps terms and concepts, highlights all aspects of DevOps, and more.
DevOps, DOFD, certification, training, cultural movement, professional movement, communication, collaboration, integration, automation, workflows, software developers, IT operations professionals, design, development, deployment, operation, software, services, faster, IT, business, customers, basic terms, concepts, people, processes, technology, organisational change, culture, practical, hands-on assignments. Devops, DOFD, sertification, traning, cultur movement, profesionel movement, comunicashun, colaboration, integrashun, automatashun, work flows, software developpers, IT operations profesionals, desine, developement, deployement, operashun, sofware, servises, fster, IT, busines, costumers, basic terms, concets, peple, proceses, tecnology, organisational change, culure, practicel, hands-on asignments. DevOps, DOFD, certifiering, utbildning, kulturell rörelse, professionell rörelse, kommunikation, samarbete, integration, automatisering, arbetsflöden, mjukvaruutvecklare, IT-driftsproffs, design, utveckling, distribution, drift, mjukvara, tjänster, snabbare, IT, affärer, kunder, grundläggande termer, begrepp, människor, processer, teknologi, organisatorisk förändring, kultur, praktiska, praktiska uppgifter.
Foundation2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 16 730 kr -
In this DevOps Foundations Training, learn about the proven Lean-Agile principles and gain the knowledge you need to earn the ICAgile (ICP-FDO) certification.
DEVOPS-GOVT, DEVOPSGOVT, DEVOP, DEVOPS-GOVT, DEV OPS GOVT, DEV OPSGOVT, DEV OP, DevOps, Foundations, Training, ICP-FDO, Certification, Lean-Agile, Principles, Knowledge, ICAgile, Value-driven, Development lifecycle, Lead-time, Waste, Value-stream analysis, Practical steps, Implement, Organisation, Agile, DevOps Foundations, ICPFDO, IC-Agile, Value driven, Development life cycle, Lead time, Value stream analysis, Lean Agile, Organization, Dev ops, ICP FDO, ICAgile certification, Agile principles, Lean Agile principles, DevOps training, DevOps certification. DevOps, Foundations, Training, ICP-FDO, Certification, Lean-Agile, Principles, Knowledge, ICAgile, Value-driven, Development lifecycle, Lead-time, Waste, Value-stream analysis, Practical steps, Implement, Organisation, Agile, DevOps Foundations, ICPFDO, IC-Agile, Value driven, Development life cycle, Lead time, Value stream analysis, Lean Agile, Organization, Dev ops, ICP FDO, ICAgile certification, Agile principles, Lean Agile principles, DevOps training, DevOps certification. DevOps, Grundläggande, Utbildning, ICP-FDO, Certifiering, Lean-Agile, Principer, Kunskap, ICAgile, Värde-drivet, Utvecklingslivscykel, Ledtid, Slöseri, Värdeflödesanalys, Praktiska steg, Implementera, Organisation, Agil, DevOps-grundläggande, ICPFDO, IC-Agile, Värde-drivet, Utvecklingslivscykel, Ledtid, Värdeflödesanalys, Lean Agile, Organisation, DevOps, ICP FDO, ICAgile-certifiering, Agila principer, Lean Agile-principer, DevOps-utbildning, DevOps-certifiering.
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 23 730 kr -
DevOps Institute
DevOps Leader® (DOL) Certification Training provides the insights, techniques & innovative approaches for leaders involved in a DevOps cultural transformation.
DEVOPS-GOVT, DEVOPSGOVT, DEVOP, DEVOPS-GOVT, DEV OPS GOVT, DEV OPSGOVT, DEV OP, DevOps, leader, certification, training, tactical, strategic, design, influence, implement, motivate, cultural transformation, success factor, adoption, human dynamics, practices, methods, tools, engage, performance, culture, workflows, metrics, value stream mapping, IT leaders, innovative approaches, modern IT, organization Devop, leder, sertification, traninig, tectical, stratigic, desing, influece, impliment, motivete, culturul, trunsformation, succss, adoptoin, humen dynamics, prctices, mthods, tols, enage, perfrmance, culure, workfloes, metrcs, valuestreem, mapping, IT leeders, inovative, DEVOPS-GOVT, DEVOPSGOVT, DEVOP, DEVOPS-GOVT, DEV OPS GOVT, DEV OPSGOVT, DEV OP, DevOps, DevOps adoption, cultural transformation, human dynamics, practices, methods, tools, engage, performance, culture, workflows, metrics, value stream mapping, IT leaders, organisation, certification, training, DOL, DevOps Leader, tactical, strategic. DevOp DevOp Leader DevOps Leadership cultural trasformation methdos toolz engae perfomance culutre worklfows metrcis valuestream mapping IT leader organization certificaton trainning DOL certification DevOps Leader certification DevOps, DevOps-adoptering, kulturell transformation, mänsklig dynamik, metoder, verktyg, engagera, prestanda, kultur, arbetsflöden, mätvärden, värdeflödeskartläggning, IT-ledare, organisation, certifiering, utbildning, DOL, DevOps-ledare, taktisk, strategisk, DevOp DevOp-ledare DevOps-ledarskap kulturell transformation metoder verktyg engagera prestanda kultur arbetsflöden mätvärden värdeflödeskartläggning IT-ledare organisation certifiering utbildning DOL-certifiering DevOps-ledarcertifiering.
Intermediate2 daysTeam Training -
Learning Tree
Learn Docker in this interactive, hands-on Docker training course.
Docker, tutorial, online course, learning path, workloads, migrate, applications, containers, overview, core concepts, deploy, orchestrate, DevOps, configuration management, continuous integration, best practices, files, deployment, high availability, robust, secure, software, manage, platform, Dockar, tutoreal, onlin cours, contaners, deploymant, orkestrate, DeveOps, configruration, integrtion, mispelling. Docker, handledning, onlinekurs, inlärningsväg, arbetsbelastningar, migrera, applikationer, containrar, översikt, kärnkoncept, distribuera, orkestrera, DevOps, konfigurationshantering, kontinuerlig integration, bästa praxis, filer, distribution, hög tillgänglighet, robust, säker, programvara, hantera, plattform, stavfel Docker, handledning, onlinekurs, containrar, distribution, orkestrera, DevOps, konfiguration, integration, stavfel.
Foundation2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 16 730 kr -
Learning Tree
Enrol in this hands-on Kubernetes course and learn to deploy containerized applications on Kubernetes and scale those applications to handle dynamic traffic.
Kubernetes, k8s, containerization, deployment, scaling, cloud-agnostic, orchestration, cloud providers, hands-on, dynamic traffic, continuous deployment, application updates, downtime, security, ecosystem, Helm, Rancher, containerized workloads, automating. Kubernates, kubenetes, kubernete, k8, k8es, kubertnetes, kubernetis, kubernetes. Kubernetes, k8s, containerisering, distribution, skalning, molnagnostisk, orkestrering, molnleverantörer, praktiskt, dynamisk trafik, kontinuerlig distribution, applikationsuppdateringar, nedtid, säkerhet, ekosystem, Helm, Rancher, containeriserade arbetsbelastningar, automatisering. Kubernates, kubenetes, kubernete, k8, k8es, kubertnetes, kubernetis, kubernetes.
Foundation2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 16 730 kr -
Scaled Agile
Learning Tree's SAFe DevOps course helps attendees to learn what DevOps is, why it's important and design a delivery pipeline that's tailored to their business.
DEVOPS-GOVT, DEVOPSGOVT, DEVOP, DEVOPS-GOVT, DEV OPS GOVT, DEV OPSGOVT, DEV OP, US, SAFe DevOps, SDP Certification, Training, disruptive global market, valuable technology solutions, speed of business, DevOps mindset, engineers, CI/CD pipeline, technical, non-technical, leadership roles, optimize, value stream, end to end, continuous delivery pipeline, cross-functional teams, current state value stream, concept, cash, bottlenecks, flow, actionable implementation plan, version 5.1, Saf Devops, SDP Certificashun, training
Foundation2 daysTeam Training -
DevOps Institute
The SecDevOps Foundation® (SDOF) Certification Training course will help you prepare for and successfully attain the SecDevOps Foundation Certification.
DEVOPS-GOVT, DEVOPSGOVT, DEVOP, DEVOPS-GOVT, DEV OPS GOVT, DEV OPSGOVT, DEV OP, SecDevOps, DevSecOps, Agile, DevOps practices, cybersecurity, certification training, benefits, concepts, vocabulary, attain, prepare, evolved, differences, SecDevOps, DevSecOp, Agilee, DevOp practices, cyberscurity SecDevOps, DevSecOps, Agile, DevOps-praktiker, cybersäkerhet, certifieringsträning, fördelar, begrepp, ordlista, uppnå, förbereda, utvecklats, skillnader, stavfel SecDevOps, DevSecOp, Agilee, DevOp-praktiker, cyberscurity.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 20 930 kr -
DevOps Institute
This SecDevOps Practitioner® (SDOP) Certification course builds on foundational SecDevOps knowledge while providing practical, hands-on experience.
SecDevOps, SDOP, certification, training, foundational practice, SDOF, techniques, pipeline architecture, team, best-practice processes, implementation, comprehensive understanding, optimum outcomes, practitioner-level class, SecDevOp, SDOPs, certificatoin, traning, foundtional, SDOFs, technqiues, pipline, arhictecture, teem, best-practice proccesses SecDevOps, SDOP, certifiering, utbildning, grundläggande praxis, SDOF, tekniker, pipeline-arkitektur, team, bästa praxis-processer, implementering, omfattande förståelse, optimala resultat, praktiker-nivå klass, stavfel SecDevOp, SDOPs, certificatoin, traning, foundtional, SDOFs, technqiues, pipline, arhictecture, teem, bästa praxis-processer.
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 18 130 kr -
DevOps Institute
The Site Reliability Engineering® (SRE) Foundation Training course highlights the evolution of SRE and its future, plus prepares you to complete the SRE exam.
Site reliability engineering, SREF, certification, training, principles, practices, organisation, scale, critical services, reliability, economics, site-reliability dimension, organisational re-alignment, engineering, automation, working paradigms, evolution, future direction, participants, practices, methods, tools, people, reliability, stability, real-life scenarios, case stories, completion, tangible takeaways, Service Level Objectives, SLOs, site relyability engineering, SRE, certification training. Webbplats tillförlitlighetsingenjörskap, SREF, certifiering, utbildning, principer, metoder, organisation, skala, kritiska tjänster, tillförlitlighet, ekonomi, webbplats-tillförlitlighetsdimension, organisatorisk omställning, ingenjörskap, automation, arbetsparadigmer, utveckling, framtida riktning, deltagare, metoder, verktyg, människor, tillförlitlighet, stabilitet, verkliga scenarier, fallberättelser, avslutning, konkreta takeaways, Service Level Objectives, SLO er, stavfel webbplats tillförlitlighetsingenjörskap, SRE, certifieringsutbildning.
Foundation2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 18 130 kr -
Learning Tree's SCOR training helps you prepare for the Cisco® CCNP® Security and CCIE® Security certifications and for senior-level security roles.
Implementing and Operating Cisco Security Core Technologies, SCOR Course Outline, Cisco CCNP Security, Cisco CCIE Security, cybersecurity attacks, security for networks, cloud and content, endpoint protection, secure network access, visibility and enforcements, Cisco Firepower Next-Generation Firewall, Cisco ASA Firewall, access control policies, mail policies, 802.1X Authentication, Cisco Stealthwatch Enterprise, Cisco Stealthwatch Cloud, threat detection features, Implementing and Administering Cisco Solutions, Ethernet, TCP/IP networking, Windows operating system, Cisco IOS networking, networking security concepts, Security Engineer, Network Engineer, Network Designer, Network Administrator, Systems Engineer, Consulting Systems Engineer, Technical Solutions Architect, Cisco Integrators/Partners, Network Manager, Cisco integrators, partners, professional-level security job roles, expert-level security job roles, CCNP Security. Implementing and Operating Cisco Security Core Technologies SCOR Training, Cisco CCNP Security, Cisco CCIE Security, cybersecurity attacks, security for networks, cloud and content, endpoint protection, secure network access, visibility and enforcements, Cisco Firepower Next-Generation Firewall, Cisco ASA Firewall, access control policies, mail policies, 802.1X Authentication, Cisco Stealthwatch Enterprise, Cisco Stealthwatch Cloud, threat detection features, Implementing and Administering Cisco Solutions, Ethernet, TCP/IP networking, Windows operating system, Cisco IOS networking, networking security concepts, Security Engineer, Network Engineer, Network Designer, Network Administrator, Systems Engineer, Consulting Systems Engineer, Technical Solutions Architect, Cisco Integrators/Partners, Network Manager, Cisco integrators, partners, professional-level security job roles, expert-level security job roles, CCNP Security. Implementering och drift av Cisco Security Core Technologies, SCOR Kursöversikt, Cisco CCNP Security, Cisco CCIE Security, cybersäkerhetsattacker, säkerhet för nätverk, moln och innehåll, endpoint-skydd, säker nätverksåtkomst, synlighet och verkställighet, Cisco Firepower Next-Generation Firewall, Cisco ASA Firewall, åtkomstkontrollpolicyer, e-postpolicyer, 802.1X-autentisering, Cisco Stealthwatch Enterprise, Cisco Stealthwatch Cloud, hotdetektionsfunktioner, Implementering och administrering av Cisco-lösningar, Ethernet, TCP/IP-nätverk, Windows-operativsystem, Cisco IOS-nätverk, nätverkssäkerhetskoncept, säkerhetsingenjör, nätverksingenjör, nätverksdesigner, nätverksadministratör, systemingenjör, konsulterande systemingenjör, teknisk lösningarkitekt, Cisco-integratörer/partners, nätverkschef, Cisco-integratörer, partners, säkerhetsjobb på professionell nivå, säkerhetsjobb på expertnivå, CCNP Security. Implementering och drift av Cisco Security Core Technologies SCOR Utbildning, Cisco CCNP Security, Cisco CCIE Security, cybersäkerhetsattacker, säkerhet för nätverk, moln och innehåll, endpoint-skydd, säker nätverksåtkomst, synlighet och verkställighet, Cisco Firepower Next-Generation Firewall, Cisco ASA Firewall, åtkomstkontrollpolicyer, e-postpolicyer, 802.1X-autentisering, Cisco Stealthwatch Enterprise, Cisco Stealthwatch Cloud, hotdetektionsfunktioner, Implementering och administrering av Cisco-lösningar, Ethernet, TCP/IP-nätverk, Windows-operativsystem, Cisco IOS-nätverk, nätverkssäkerhetskoncept, säkerhetsingenjör, nätverksingenjör, nätverksdesigner, nätverksadministratör,
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 46 130 kr -
Complete COBIT® 2019 Training & gain best practices for the governance and management of enterprise information and technology.
COBIT, COBIT 2019, governance, management, enterprise IT, information, technology, framework, best practices, certification, exam, principles, objectives, performance, design, implement, tailored governance system, Study Guide, pre-course reading, tuition fee, Foundation Exam, score, pass, COBET, COBET 2019, governence, managment, enterprize IT, infrmation, technolgy, framwork, best practises, sertification, exm, princples, objectves, performnce, desgn, impliment, taylored governence system, Study Gide, pre-corse reding, tution fee, Foundation Exm, scro, pss. COBIT, COBIT 2019, styrning, ledning, företags-IT, information, teknologi, ramverk, bästa praxis, certifiering, examen, principer, mål, prestation, design, implementera, skräddarsytt styrningssystem, studieguide, förkursläsning, kursavgift, grundexamen, poäng, godkänd, felstavningar COBET, COBET 2019, styrning, ledning, företags-IT, information, teknologi, ramverk, bästa praxis, certifiering, examen, principer, mål, prestation, design, implementera, skräddarsytt styrningssystem, studieguide, förkursläsning, kursavgift, grundexamen, poäng, godkänd.
Foundation2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 15 330 kr -
Learning Tree
En ITAM SAM-certifiering visar att du förstår hur Software Asset Management och IT Asset Management fungerar i praktiken och hur en organisation bäst tillgodogör sig och implementerar Best Practice. I kursen ingår omfattande presentationer av ämnesområden från provet, ett förberedande prov samt en översiktskarta med nyckelprocesserna och hur de interagerar och samverkar tillsammans och med ITSM.
Software Asset Management, IT Asset Management, Best Practice, ITAM, SAM, certification, CSAM, organization, key processes, ITSM, preparation, overview map, training, administration, ITAM Academy, corporate card, Clover, Software Assest Management, IT Assest Management, ITAMM, SAM-certifacation, CSAM certification Programvaruhantering, IT-tillgångshantering, bästa praxis, ITAM, SAM, certifiering, CSAM, organisation, nyckelprocesser, ITSM, förberedelse, översiktskarta, utbildning, administration, ITAM Academy, företagskort, Clover, stavfel Programvaruhantering, IT-tillgångshantering, ITAMM, SAM-certifiering, CSAM-certifiering.
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 19 500 kr -
Learning Tree
Attend this Introduction to Linux course & learn to create, edit & search Linux files; control permissions & ownership; process & format text data & more.
Introduction to Linux, Linux training, Linux operating system, IT infrastructure, administer Linux, support Linux, control permissions, process data, shell scripts, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Linux distributions, Linux basics, Linux foundations, Linux administration, Linux support, Linux commands, Linux terminal, Linux shell, Linux security, Linux networking, Linux file system, Linux virtualization, Linux cloud computing, Linux containers, Linux servers, Linux desktop, Linux applications, Linux programming, Linux scripting, Linux automation, Linux troubleshooting, Linux certification, Linux exams Linix, Linnux, Lenux, Lixun, Lixux, Lixnux Introduktion till Linux, Linux-utbildning, Linux-operativsystem, IT-infrastruktur, administrera Linux, stödja Linux, kontrollera behörigheter, bearbeta data, skal-skript, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Linux-distributioner, Linux-grunder, Linux-fundament, Linux-administration, Linux-stöd, Linux-kommandon, Linux-terminal, Linux-skal, Linux-säkerhet, Linux-nätverk, Linux-filsystem, Linux-virtualisering, Linux-molntjänster, Linux-container, Linux-servrar, Linux-skrivbord, Linux-applikationer, Linux-programmering, Linux-skriptning, Linux-automatisering, Linux-felsökning, Linux-certifiering, Linux-examina Linix, Linnux, Lenux, Lixun, Lixux, Lixnux
Foundation4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 18 130 kr -
This hands-on course will prep you to achieve CompTIA Linux+® certification that is highly valued for Linux administrators, engineers and architects.
plus, linuxplus, Linux+ certification, Linux administrators, Linux engineers, Linux architects, Linux administration, installation, troubleshooting, maintenance, CompTIA Linux+ exam, foundation knowledge, Linux operating system, Linux experience, voucher, certification prep course, Linux IT pros, next-level Linux knowledge Linix+, CompTIA Linux, Linx+ certification, Linux+ exam, CompTIA Linix+ Linux+ certifiering, Linux-administratörer, Linux-ingenjörer, Linux-arkitekter, Linux-administration, installation, felsökning, underhåll, CompTIA Linux+ examen, grundläggande kunskap, Linux-operativsystem, Linux-erfarenhet, kupong, certifieringsförberedande kurs, Linux IT-proffs, nästa nivå Linux-kunskap.
Foundation5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 31 200 kr -
Learning Tree
Learn to build & use Linux/UNIX tools & utilities in this hands-on course. Perform complex search strings & write shell scripts to automate routine tasks.
UNIX, Linux, tools, utilities, training, system, processing power, choose, right, combination, leverage, operating system, upgrade, administration skills, maximize productivity, streamline tasks, shell commands, filters, languages, awk, Liunx, UINX, toolz, utility, traning, procressing,power, awks
Advanced4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 27 950 kr -
Learning Tree
In this Linux administration & support course, you gain the skills to install, design, configure & support a Linux server. Attend in-class or online.
Linux, Red Hat, CentOS, Debian, SUSELinux, administration, support, training, scalability, flexibility, IT needs, build, manage, fine tune, troubleshoot, boot process, local storage, file systems, file delivery, print services, network services, UNIX, Windows clients, command line, vi text editor, file manipulation utilities, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, applicable, Linuks, RedHat, CentOs, Debien, SUSE Linux Linux, Red Hat, CentOS, Debian, SUSELinux, administration, support, utbildning, skalbarhet, flexibilitet, IT-behov, bygga, hantera, finjustera, felsöka, startprocess, lokal lagring, filsystem, filleverans, utskriftstjänster, nätverkstjänster, UNIX, Windows-klienter, kommandorad, vi-textredigerare, filmanipuleringsverktyg, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, tillämpligt, stavfel Linuks, RedHat, CentOs, Debien, SUSE Linux.
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 26 110 kr -
Learning Tree
This hands-on Introduction to Networking course provides you with a knowledge of IP addressing, TCP/IP operation & LAN solutions. Attend in-class or online.
CYBERSECURITY FOUNDATIONS, CYBER SECURITY FOUNDATION, CYBER, CYBER SECURITY FOUNDATIONS, CYBERSECURITY FOUNDATION, CYBERSECURITY INTRO, CYBERSECURITY INTRODUCTION, CYBER SECURITY INTRO, CYBER SECURITY INTRODUCTION, Introduction to Networking, networking technology, data communications, basic concepts, technologies, components, design alternatives, implement networks, data links, physical media, LANs, Ethernet, Wi-Fi, reliable internetworks, intranets, TCP/IP design techniques, computers, networks, personal life, professional life Introducton to Networking netwroking technology data communciations basic concpets tecnologies componenets design altrenatives impliment networks data links physcial media LANS Ethernat Wi-Fi relaible internetworks intranets TCP/IP design tehcniques computres netowrks personal lfie proffesional life Introduktion till nätverk, nätverksteknik, datakommunikation, grundläggande begrepp, teknologier, komponenter, designalternativ, implementera nätverk, datalänkar, fysiska medier, LAN, Ethernet, Wi-Fi, pålitliga internätverk, intranät, TCP/IP-designtekniker, datorer, nätverk, personligt liv, professionellt liv. Introducton till Networking netwroking technology data communciations basic concpets tecnologies componenets design altrenatives impliment networks data links physcial media LANS Ethernat Wi-Fi relaible internetworks intranets TCP/IP design tehcniques computres netowrks personligt lfie professionellt liv
Foundation4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 32 130 kr -
This two-day course is designed for data center administrators who are responsible for the day-to-day management of a VMware vSphere® environment using VMware vRealize® Operations™. This course will teach you how to use vRealize Operations as a forensic and predictive tool.
VMware, vRealize Operations, administrators, data center, management, vSphere, ESXi, vCenter Server, system administrators, forensic, predictive, tool, course, experienced, VSICM7, VSOS7, system administration, experience, deployments, Vmware, vrealize, vshere, esxi, vcenter, systm, adimnistration, deploments VMware, vRealize Operations, administratörer, datacenter, hantering, vSphere, ESXi, vCenter Server, systemadministratörer, forensisk, prediktiv, verktyg, kurs, erfarna, VSICM7, VSOS7, systemadministration, erfarenhet, distributioner, stavfel Vmware, vrealize, vshere, esxi, vcenter, systm, adimnistration, deploments.
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 28 950 kr -
The ENARSI Implementing Cisco Enterprise Advanced Routing course gives you the knowledge to install, configure, and operate an enterprise network.
Cisco, Enterprise, Advanced Routing, Services, ENARSI, Implementing, Network, Configuration, Operation, Troubleshooting, Infrastructure, Technologies, Exam, CCNP, Certified Specialist, Core Technologies, Implementation, Routing, ENCOR, 300-410, Certification Cicso, Entrprise, Advaned, Routng, Servces, ENARIS, Implenting, Netwrk, Configration, Operaton, Troubleshoting, Infrastrcture, Technolgies, Exm, CCNP, Certifid Specalist, Core Technolgies, Implementaion, Routin, ENCOR, 300-410, Certificaton Cisco, Enterprise, Advanced Routing, Tjänster, ENARSI, Implementering, Nätverk, Konfiguration, Drift, Felsökning, Infrastruktur, Teknologier, Exam, CCNP, Certifierad Specialist, Kärnteknologier, Implementering, Routing, ENCOR, 300-410, Certifiering. Cicso, Entrprise, Advaned, Routng, Servces, ENARIS, Implenting, Netwrk, Configration, Operaton, Troubleshoting, Infrastrcture, Technolgies, Exm, CCNP, Certifid Specalist, Core Technolgies, Implementaion, Routin, ENCOR, 300-410, Certificaton.
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 46 130 kr -
Prepare for CCNP® Enterprise & Cisco Certified Specialist - Enterprise Design exams with official Designing Cisco Enterprise Networks course.
Designing Cisco Enterprise Networks, ENSLD, CCNP, Enterprise Design, Implementing and Operating Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technologies, ENCOR, exam, certification, network fundamentals, LANs, IP addressing, subnets, routing, switching, wireless networking, network design engineers, system administrators, Cisco Certified Specialist, desining, cisco enterprize networks, ENSL, CCN, IP adress, routting, swtiching, wirless networking. Designing Cisco Enterprise Networks, ENSLD, CCNP, Enterprise Design, Implementing and Operating Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technologies, ENCOR, exam, certification, network fundamentals, LANs, IP addressing, subnets, routing, switching, wireless networking, network design engineers, system administrators, Cisco Certified Specialist, designing, Cisco enterprise networks, ENSL, CCN, IP address, routing, switching, wireless networking.
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 40 040 kr -
Get certified in Cisco Solutions with this CCNA course. Prep for CCNP and CCIE Data Center exams. Enrol now.
deploy, secure, operate, maintain, Cisco Unified Computing System, B-series blade servers, C-series rack servers, S-series rack servers, data centres, management, orchestration software, UCS Director, UCS Manager, hands-on practice, critical features, Cisco Intersight, configuring, implementation, training, DCCUCS, cisco unifid computing system, b-series blade servrs, c-series rack servrs, s-series rack servrs, data centrs, managment, orchistration software, ucs director, ucs managr, handson practic, cirtical features, cisco intersite, configurng, implimentation, traning, dccucs implementera, säkra, driva, underhålla, Cisco Unified Computing System, B-seriens blad-servrar, C-seriens rack-servrar, S-seriens rack-servrar, datacenter, hantering, orkestrationsprogramvara, UCS Director, UCS Manager, praktisk träning, kritiska funktioner, Cisco Intersight, konfigurering, implementering, utbildning, DCCUCS, stavfel cisco unifid computing system, b-seriens blade-servrar, c-seriens rack-servrar, s-seriens rack-servrar, datacentrer, hantering, orchistration programvara, ucs director, ucs managr, hands-on praktik, cirtical features, cisco intersite, configurng, implimentation, träning, dccucs.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 34 230 kr -
Learning Tree's Cisco Collaboration training course gives you the fundamental knowledge needed to take the CCNP® Collaboration certification courses.
Cisco Collaboration Training, CLFNDU, Cisco Unified Communications Manager, SIP gateway, phones, video endpoints, users, media resources, maintenance, troubleshooting, SIP dial plans, PSTN connectivity, class-of-service capabilities, Cisco Unified Communications solutions. Cisco Collabration Training, CLFNDO, Cisco Unified Communcations Manager, SIPP gateway, phonnes, video endpointss, ussers, media resouces, maintenence, troubleshootting, SIP dial planns, PSTN connnectivity, class of service capabilities, Cisco Unified Communcations solutons. Cisco Collaboration-utbildning, CLFNDU, Cisco Unified Communications Manager, SIP-gateway, telefoner, videoenheter, användare, medieresurser, underhåll, felsökning, SIP-uppringningsplaner, PSTN-anslutning, klassificeringsförmågor, Cisco Unified Communications-lösningar. Cisco Collabration-utbildning, CLFNDO, Cisco Unified Communcations Manager, SIPP-gateway, phonnes, videoendpointss, ussers, mediaresouces, maintenence, troubleshootting, SIP-uppringningsplaner, PSTN-anslutning, klassificeringsförmågor, Cisco Unified Communcations-solutons.
Foundation5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 46 130 kr -
The Implementing Cisco Enterprise Wireless Networks course gives you the knowledge and skills needed to secure wireless network infrastructure and more.
Implementing Cisco Enterprise Wireless Networks, ENWLSI, wireless network infrastructure, Cisco Identity Service Engine, ISE, Cisco Prime Infrastructure, PI, Cisco Connect Mobile Experience, monitor, troubleshoot, hands-on labs, Cisco Catalyst 9800 Wireless Controller, IOS XE Gibraltar 16.10, Cisco Digital Network Architecture, DNA Center, Cisco CMX, MSE, features, Cisco Identity Services Engine, exam, CCNP Enterprise certification, Cisco Certified Specialist, Enterprise Wireless Implementation certification, Implementing Cisko Enterprise Wireles Networks, ENWLSI, wierless network infrastructure, Cisco Identiti Service Engine, ISE, Cisco Prime Infrastrcture, PI, Cisco Conect Mobile Experience, moniter, troubleshhot, hands-on labs, Cisco Catalyst 9800 Wierless Controller, IOS XE Gibralter 16.10, Cisco Digital Network Arckitecture, DNA Center, Cisco CMX, MSE, feautures, Cisco Identiti Services Engine, exam, CCNP Enterprice certification, Cisco Certified Specialist, Enterprice Wierless Implementation certification. Implementering av Cisco Enterprise Wireless Networks, ENWLSI, trådlös nätverksinfrastruktur, Cisco Identity Service Engine, ISE, Cisco Prime Infrastructure, PI, Cisco Connect Mobile Experience, övervaka, felsöka, praktiska laborationer, Cisco Catalyst 9800 Wireless Controller, IOS XE Gibraltar 16.10, Cisco Digital Network Architecture, DNA Center, Cisco CMX, MSE, funktioner, Cisco Identity Services Engine, examen, CCNP Enterprise-certifiering, Cisco Certified Specialist, Enterprise Wireless Implementation-certifiering, stavfel Implementering av Cisko Enterprise Wireles Networks, ENWLSI, wierless nätverksinfrastruktur, Cisco Identiti Service Engine, ISE, Cisco Prime Infrastrcture, PI, Cisco Conect Mobile Experience, moniter, troubleshhot, praktiska laborationer, Cisco Catalyst 9800 Wierless Controller, IOS XE Gibralter 16.10, Cisco Digital Network Arckitecture, DNA Center, Cisco CMX, MSE, feautures, Cisco Identiti Services Engine, examen, CCNP Enterprice-certifiering, Cisco Certified Specialist, Enterprice Wierless Implementation-certifiering.
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 46 130 kr -
Learning Tree's CCNP Data Centre certification course helps you learn the foundational knowledge & skills you need to configure Cisco® data centre tech.
Cisco, data centre, networking, virtualisation, storage area networking, unified computing, ACI, automation, cloud computing, Nexus, NX-OS, UCS, CCNP, certification, training, DCFNDU, course outline, foundational knowledge, entry-level roles, hands-on experience, ciscoe, dat centre, netwroking, virtualistion, storgae area netwroking, unifed computing, ACI, automtion, cloud computng, nexsus, nx-os, ucs, ccnp, certificaton, traning, dcfndu, cousre outline, foundatonal knowlege, entyr-level roles, hands-on experince Cisco, data centre, networking, virtualisation, storage area networking, unified computing, ACI, automation, cloud computing, Nexus, NX-OS, UCS, CCNP, certification, training, DCFNDU, course outline, foundational knowledge, entry-level roles, hands-on experience, cisco, data centre, networking, virtualisation, storage area networking, unified computing, ACI, automation, cloud computing, Nexus, NX-OS, UCS, CCNP, certification, training, DCFNDU, course outline, foundational knowledge, entry-level roles, hands-on experience.
Foundation5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 50 050 kr -
Learning Tree's CCNP ENCOR training course helps prepare you to take the 350-401 Implementing Cisco® Enterprise Network Core Technologies exam.
Implementing Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technologies, ENCOR, CCNP Enterprise, CCIE Enterprise Infrastructure, CCIE Enterprise Wireless, Cisco Certified Specialist, Enterprise Core, Enterprise LAN networks, Enterprise routing, wireless connectivity, Python scripting, configure, troubleshoot, manage, security principles, 350-401 exam, network engineers, network administrators, network support technicians, help desk technicians, CCNP, Implementing Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technology, ENCOUR, CCNP Enterprize, CCIE Enterprize Infrastructure, CCIE Enterprize Wireless, Cisco Certified Specialist Enterprise Core, Enterprise LAN network, Enterprise routting, wirless connectivity, Pyton scripting, confgure, troubelshoot, manage, 350-401 exam, network enginers, network adminstrators, network supoort technicians, helpdesk technicians, CCNP Enterpise. Implementering av Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technologies, ENCOR, CCNP Enterprise, CCIE Enterprise Infrastructure, CCIE Enterprise Wireless, Cisco Certified Specialist, Enterprise Core, Enterprise LAN-nätverk, Enterprise-routing, trådlös anslutning, Python-skriptning, konfigurera, felsöka, hantera, säkerhetsprinciper, 350-401-examen, nätverksingenjörer, nätverksadministratörer, nätverkssupporttekniker, helpdesktekniker, CCNP, stavfel Implementering av Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technology, ENCOUR, CCNP Enterprize, CCIE Enterprize Infrastructure, CCIE Enterprize Wireless, Cisco Certified Specialist Enterprise Core, Enterprise LAN-nätverk, Enterprise routting, trådlös anslutning, Pyton-skriptning, confgure, troubelshoot, hantera, 350-401-examen, nätverksenginer, nätverksadministratörer, nätverkssupoorttekniker, helpdesk-tekniker, CCNP Enterpise.
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 46 130 kr -
Learning Tree's WLFNDU v1.0 training gives you the knowledge and skills you need to position, plan, implement, operate, and manage a Cisco WLAN network.
Cisco Wireless Foundations, WLFNDU, WLAN network, design, install, configure, monitor, troubleshooting, certification exam, enterprise wireless exams, ENWLSD, ENWLSI, knowledge, skills, networks, wireless networks, routing, switching, engineer, systems engineer, technical solutions architect, network administrator, wireless design engineer, network manager, technologies, best practices, maintenance, professional-level, courses, exams, cisco wirless foundations, wlndfu, wlan, wirless, enteprise, enwsld, enwlsi, knowlege, skils, netwroks, wirless netwroks, routig, swithcing, enginner, systmes enginner, technicl solutinos architect, netwrok administratr, wirless desing enginner, netwrok manger Cisco Wireless Foundations, WLFNDU, WLAN-nätverk, design, installera, konfigurera, övervaka, felsöka, certifieringsexamen, företagscertifieringsexamen, ENWLSD, ENWLSI, kunskap, färdigheter, nätverk, trådlösa nätverk, routing, switching, ingenjör, systemingenjör, teknisk lösningarkitekt, nätverksadministratör, trådlös designingenjör, nätverkschef, teknologier, bästa praxis, underhåll, professionell nivå, kurser, examen, stavfel cisco wireless foundations, wlndfu, wlan, wireless, enterprise, enwsld, enwlsi, kunskap, färdigheter, nätverk, trådlösa nätverk, routing, switching, ingenjör, systemingenjör, teknisk lösningarkitekt, nätverksadministratör, trådlös designingenjör, nätverkschef.
Foundation5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 41 510 kr -
Enrol in this official Implementing Cisco Collaboration Applications course & prep for exam CLICA 300-810.
Implementing Cisco Collaboration Applications, CLICA, course outline, Single Sign-On, SSO, Cisco Unified IM & Presence, Cisco Unity Connection, Cisco Unity Express, Application clients, communication protocol, compliance measures, communication systems, devices, robust management systems, 300-810, networking technologies, voice, video, Cisco Unified Communications Manager, single site dial plan, PSTN gateway, Session Initiation Protocol, SIP trunks, automation, programmability, network architect, network designer, network engineer, network manager, network administrator, complexity, security protocols, hands-on experience, encrypting, securing, administrative tasks, business communications, CCNP Collaboration, CICA, CLICA v10, Cisco Collaborations Applications Implementering av Cisco Collaboration Applications, CLICA, kursöversikt, Single Sign-On, SSO, Cisco Unified IM & Presence, Cisco Unity Connection, Cisco Unity Express, Applikationsklienter, kommunikationsprotokoll, efterlevnadsmått, kommunikationssystem, enheter, robusta hanteringssystem, 300-810, nätverksteknologier, röst, video, Cisco Unified Communications Manager, enkel webbplatsdialplan, PSTN-gateway, Session Initiation Protocol, SIP-trunkar, automatisering, programmerbarhet, nätverksarkitekt, nätverksdesigner, nätverksingenjör, nätverkschef, nätverksadministratör, komplexitet, säkerhetsprotokoll, praktisk erfarenhet, kryptering, säkerställande, administrativa uppgifter, affärskommunikation, CCNP Collaboration, stavfel CICA, CLICA v10, Cisco Collaborations Applications.
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 50 050 kr -
Enrol in this Implementing Cisco Collaboration Cloud and Edge Solutions course & prep for exam CLCEI 300-820.
Implementing Cisco Collaboration Cloud, Edge Solutions, Cisco Expressway Series, B2B calls, Cisco Mobile, remote access, authentication options, video, voice, content, remote workloads, 300-820 exam, networking technologies, voice and video, Cisco collaboration core technologies, SIP, XMPP, Cisco Unified Communications Manager, collaboration engineers, collaboration administrators, Cisco Expressway software, secure remote access, nontraditional workspaces, CCNP Collaboration Implementing Cisco Collaboration Could, Edge Solutions, Cisco Expressway, B2B calls, Cisco Mobil, remote acces, authentication options, videoo, voice, contentt, remote workload, 300-820 exam, netwroking technologies, voise and video, Cisco colaberation core technologies, SIP protocol, XMPP protocol, Cisco Unified Communications Manager, collaberation engineers, collaberation administrators, Cisco Expressway softwere, secure remote acces, non-traditional workspaces, CCNP Colaberation. Implementering av Cisco Collaboration Cloud, Edge Solutions, Cisco Expressway Series, B2B-samtal, Cisco Mobile, fjärråtkomst, autentiseringsalternativ, video, röst, innehåll, fjärrarbetsbelastningar, 300-820-examen, nätverksteknologier, röst och video, Cisco samarbetskärnteknologier, SIP, XMPP, Cisco Unified Communications Manager, samarbetsingenjörer, samarbetsadministratörer, Cisco Expressway-programvara, säker fjärråtkomst, icke-traditionella arbetsutrymmen, CCNP Collaboration. Implementering av Cisco Collaboration Could, Edge Solutions, Cisco Expressway, B2B-samtal, Cisco Mobil, fjärråtkomst, autentiseringsalternativ, videoo, röst, innehållt, fjärrarbetsbelastning, 300-820-examen, netwroking-teknologier, voise och video, Cisco samarbetskärnteknologier, SIP-protokoll, XMPP-protokoll, Cisco Unified Communications Manager, samarbetsingenjörer, samarbetsadministratörer, Cisco Expressway-programvara, säker fjärråtkomst, icke-traditionella arbetsutrymmen, CCNP Colaberation.
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 50 050 kr -
The Cisco Implementing & Administering Cisco Solutions CCNA certification training course teaches a broad range of fundamental knowledge for all IT careers.
CCNA 200-301, CCNA200301, CCNA , CCNA 200301, CCNA, Cisco certification, network training, network configuration, network security, network devices, IPv4, IPv6, network programmability, software-defined networking, automation, network management, wireless LAN, routers, switches, basic security threats, CCNA exam, Cisco Certified Network Associate, IT careers, network fundamentals, hands-on labs, lectures, network components, network verification, network installation, CCNA certification training, CCNA course, CCNNA, CNA, Sisco, sertification, netwrok, IPv5, IPv7, netowrk, confuguration, secuirty, devies, progrmmability, software defined networking, autoamtion, netwokr, managment, wireless LAN, rotuers, swithces, CCN exam, Cisco Certified Network Asociate, IT carrers, netwrok fundametnals, hands-on labs, lecturs, netwrok componenets, netwrok verificaiton, netwrok instalation. CCNA, Cisco certification, network training, network configuration, network security, network devices, IPv4, IPv6, network programmability, software-defined networking, automation, network management, wireless LAN, routers, switches, basic security threats, CCNA exam, Cisco Certified Network Associate, IT careers, network fundamentals, hands-on labs, lectures, network components, network verification, network installation, CCNA certification training, CCNA course, CCNNA, CNA, Cisco, certification, network, IPv5, IPv7, network, configuration, security, devices, programmability, software-defined networking, automation, network, management, wireless LAN, routers, switches, CCNA exam, Cisco Certified Network Associate, IT careers, network fundamentals, hands-on labs, lectures, network components, network verification, network installation.
Foundation5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 40 040 kr -
This official Cisco SVPN course teaches you how to implement, configure, monitor & support enterprise VPN solutions. Plus, prep for the Cisco 300-730 exam.
Cisco, Implementing Secure Solutions, Virtual Private Networks, VPN, IPsec, DMVPN, FlexVPN, remote access VPN, encrypted data, increased privacy, Cisco 300-730 exam, CCNP Security certification, router, firewall, command modes, site-to-site, Remote Access VPN, SCOR, 350-701, network security engineer, Channel Partner, Cisc, Implementng, Secur, Soluions, Virtal, Private, Netwoks, IPSec, DMVN, FlexVN, remoe acces VPN, encryped data, incresed privacy, CCNP Securty, routre, firewal, commad modes, site-to-sie, Remot Acces VPN, SCOR, 350-70, netwrok securty enginer, Chanle Prtner Cisco, Implementing Secure Solutions, Virtual Private Networks, VPN, IPsec, DMVPN, FlexVPN, fjärråtkomst-VPN, krypterad data, ökad integritet, Cisco 300-730 examen, CCNP Security-certifiering, router, brandvägg, kommandolägen, site-to-site, fjärråtkomst-VPN, SCOR, 350-701, nätverkssäkerhetsingenjör, Channel Partner, stavfel Cisc, Implementng, Secur, Soluions, Virtal, Private, Netwoks, IPSec, DMVN, FlexVN, remoe acces VPN, encryped data, incresed privacy, CCNP Securty, routre, firewal, commad modes, site-to-sie, Remot Acces VPN, SCOR, 350-70, netwrok securty enginer, Chanle Prtner.
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 46 130 kr -
Learn Cisco Unified Comm. Mgr. & secure collaboration. Cisco 300-815 exam prep included.
Implementing Cisco Advanced Call Control, Mobility Services, Cisco Unified Communications Manager, Globalized Call Routing, Global Dial Plan Replication, Cisco Unified Mobility, Cisco Extension Mobility, Device Mobility, SIP/URI call routing, Call Admission Control, Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express, Survivable Remote Site Telephony, SRST gateway technologies, Cisco Unified Board Element Call deployments, signalling protocols, media protocols, call coverage, time of day routing, Cisco CCNP Collaboration certification, networking technologies, voice, video, Cisco IOS XE command line, Cisco 300-815 exam, Cisco Unifed Communications Manager, Cisco CCNP Colaboration certification, Call Admition Control. Implementering av Cisco Advanced Call Control, Mobility Services, Cisco Unified Communications Manager, Globalized Call Routing, Global Dial Plan Replication, Cisco Unified Mobility, Cisco Extension Mobility, Device Mobility, SIP/URI-samtalsrouting, Call Admission Control, Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express, Survivable Remote Site Telephony, SRST gateway-teknologier, Cisco Unified Board Element Call-deployments, signaleringsprotokoll, medieprotokoll, samtalsövervakning, tid på dygnet-routing, Cisco CCNP Collaboration-certifiering, nätverksteknologier, röst, video, Cisco IOS XE-kommandorad, Cisco 300-815-examen, stavfel Cisco Unifed Communications Manager, Cisco CCNP Colaboration-certifiering, Call Admition Control.
Foundation5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 50 050 kr -
Learn to re-architect legacy, on-premise monolithic applications into cloud-native microservice driven architectures in this Advanced Developing on AWS course.
AWS, advanced development, serverless, microservices, cloud-native, legacy applications, repackaging, Twelve-Factor Application methodology, on-premises, refactoring, architecting, cloud-based, AWs, advancd, develpment, srvrless, micorservices, cloude-native, legay, applicatons, repackagng, Twelv-Factor, on-prmeises AWS, avancerad utveckling, serverlös, mikrotjänster, moln-nativ, äldre applikationer, omförpackning, Twelve-Factor Application metodik, lokalt, omarbetning, arkitektur, molnbaserad, stavfel AWS, advancd, develpment, srvrless, micorservices, cloude-native, legay, applicatons, repackagng, Twelv-Factor, on-prmeises.
Advanced3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 29 400 kr -
CompTIA A+® Certification Training is an approved exam prep course. Choose from live, on-demand or blended format. Includes exam voucher & study guide.
plus, aplus, A+, A, CompTIA A+ Certification Training, 8140/8570, 8140, 8570, CompTIA A+, certification, training, IT career, enterprise IT infrastructures, foundational knowledge, relevant technologies, maintain, organization, Core 1, Core 2, exams, personal computer hardware, operating systems, EBook, practice assessment questions, video clips, examples, voucher, DoD Directive 8140/8570.01, Technical, Level-I, requirements, compatia, compter A+, comptia+
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classPremiumStarts from 27 930 kr -
This CompTIA Network+® Training course prepares you for the CompTIA Exam N10-009, covering network management and troubleshooting procedures.
plus, networkplus, 8140/8570, 8140, 8570, CompTIA Network+, IT infrastructure, certification, designing, configuring, managing, troubleshooting, wireless network, wired network, mobility, virtualization, security, protocols, standards, exam preparation, U.S. DoD Directive 8140/8570.01, Technical IAT Level-I, certification exam, N10-008, N10-009, vendor-neutral, globally recognized CompTia network plus CompTIA network comptia network+ IT infrastructure professional certification IT networking certification troubleshooting procedures certification
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 27 930 kr -
Learning Tree
In this hands-on networking course, gain the skills to configure, maintain & troubleshoot multiple network configurations. Attend in-class or online.
network configuration, troubleshooting, cables, wireless connections, protocols, applications, VLANs, switched network, wireless network, IP address assignments, subnetting, network config, troubleshoot, cable, wireless connect, protocol, app, VLAN, switch network, wireless net, IP address assignment, subnet nätverkskonfiguration, felsökning, kablar, trådlösa anslutningar, protokoll, applikationer, VLAN, switchat nätverk, trådlöst nätverk, IP-adress tilldelning, subnetting, stavfel nätverkskonfig, felsök, kabel, trådlös anslutning, protokoll, app, VLAN, switchnätverk, trådlöst nät, IP-adress tilldelning, subnet.
Intermediate4 daysTeam Training -
Learning Tree's AZ-040 Powershell training teaches attendees how to use Windows PowerShell to administer and automate Windows server administration.
az040, AZ-040, AZ040, AZ 040, 8659AZ-040, Windows PowerShell, administer, automate, server administration, build commands, specific tasks, repetitive tasks, script, reports, Microsoft 365 services, PowerShell, Windwos PowerShell, adimister, automat, server adminstration, build comands, specifc tasks, repetative tasks, scrip, repots, Microsft 365 services Windows PowerShell, administrera, automatisera, serveradministration, bygg kommandon, specifika uppgifter, repetitiva uppgifter, skript, rapporter, Microsoft 365-tjänster, PowerShell, stavfel Windwos PowerShell, adimister, automat, server adminstration, build comands, specifc tasks, repetative tasks, scrip, repots, Microsft 365-tjänster.
Advanced5 daysOnline or In-class -
Learning Tree
Learn to manage enterprise Windows systems with Microsoft's Configuration Manager for secure, up-to-date systems.
Endpoint Configuration Manager, Configuration Manager, Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager, Windows systems management, enterprise management, system updates, system health, system security, enterprise Windows management, Endpoint Config Manager, Config Manager, Microsoft Endpoint Config Manager, Windows system management, enterprise system management, system update, system helth, system securty, enterprise Windows mgmt. Endpoint Configuration Manager, Configuration Manager, Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager, Windows system management, enterprise management, system updates, system health, system security, enterprise Windows management, Endpoint Config Manager, Config Manager, Microsoft Endpoint Config Manager, Windows system management, enterprise system management, system update, system health, system security, enterprise Windows management.
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 36 330 kr -
Learning Tree
Learn PowerShell basics in 1 day. Administer Microsoft workstations & servers with command syntax & scripting language.
PowerShell, PowerShell training, automate, administrative tasks, robust administrative tool, filter, sort, manage information, Microsoft, command syntax, scripting language, administer, workstations, servers, Windows administrators, IT Professionals, complex management tasks, scripting experience, PowerShel, PowrShell, PowesShell, PoweerShell, PowerShll, PoweShell, PowerShel, Powersell, PowrShel. PowerShell, PowerShell-utbildning, automatisera, administrativa uppgifter, robust administrativ verktyg, filtrera, sortera, hantera information, Microsoft, kommandosyntax, skriptspråk, administrera, arbetsstationer, servrar, Windows-administratörer, IT-proffs, komplexa hanteringsuppgifter, skriptningserfarenhet, stavfel PowerShel, PowrShell, PowesShell, PoweerShell, PowerShll, PoweShell, PowerShel, Powersell, PowrShel.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from 4 950 kr -
Master endpoint deployment with Microsoft 365 Endpoint Administrator Training (MD-102). Gain essential skills for update strategies.
md102, Microsoft 365 Endpoint Administrator Training, MD102, MD 102, endpoint deployment strategy, deployment techniques, update strategies, Modern Desktop Administrator, M365 workloads, deploying, configuring, maintaining Windows 11, non-Windows devices, Microsoft role-based certification exam, Exam MD102, Exam MD 102, Endpoint Administrator (beta), Enterprise Desktop, Modern Management, enterprise desktop life-cycle model, planning hardware strategies, post-deployment, retirement, Windows Editions, Azure Active Directory, Microsoft Entra, Azure AD, Active Directory Domain Services, AD DS, Azure AD Premium P1, P2, Azure AD Domain Services, Windows PowerShell, Authenticating, Enrolling Devices, device authentication, Azure AD join, Microsoft Configuration Manager, Microsoft Endpoint Manager, Microsoft Intune, device enrollment, automatic enrollment, Managing Profiles, device profiles, user profiles, Enterprise State Roaming, Managing Applications, mobile application management, MAM, deployment applications, Group Policy, Microsoft Store Apps, app inventory, Managing Network Access, Windows Hello for Business, Azure AD Identity Protection, self-service password reset, multi-factor authentication, VPN, Always On VPN, Device Compliance, Data Protection, device compliance policy, conditional access, inventory reports, compliance reports, Intune Data Warehouse, Microsoft Graph API, Windows Information Protection, Encrypting File System, EFS, BitLocker, Microsoft Defender, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, Microsoft Defender Application Guard, Microsoft Defender Exploit Guard, Windows Defender System Guard, Windows Defender Credential Guard, Microsoft Defender Antivirus, Windows Defender Firewall, Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps, Deployment, Microsoft Deployment Toolkit, MDT, Windows Autopilot, Subscription Activation, Provisioning Packages, Windows Configuration Designer, MDM enrollment, Azure AD join, Additional Endpoint Management Systems, transition to modern endpoint management, Azure AD join, Intune, co-management, Windows 365, Azure virtual desktop, Microsoft 365 Endpoint Administrator-utbildning, MD-102, strategi för endpoint-utrullning, utrullningstekniker, uppdateringsstrategier, Modern Desktop-administratör, M365-arbetsbelastningar, distribution, konfiguration, underhåll av Windows 11, icke-Windows-enheter, Microsofts rollbaserade certifieringsexamen, Examen MD-102, Endpoint Administrator (beta), Enterprise Desktop, Modern Management, företagslivscykelmodell för skrivbord, planering av hårdvarustrategier, efter driftsättning, pensionering, Windows Editions, Azure Active Directory, Azure AD, Active Directory Domain Services, AD DS, Azure AD Premium P1, P2, Azure AD Domain Services, Windows PowerShell, Autentisering, Enrolling Devices, enhetsautentisering, Azure AD-anslutning, Microsoft Configuration Manager, Microsoft Endpoint Manager, Microsoft Intune, enhetsregistrering, automatisk registrering, Hantera profiler, enhetsprofiler, användarprofiler, Enterprise State Roaming, Hantera applikationer, mobilapplikationshantering, MAM, distribution av applikationer, Grupppolicy, Microsoft Store Apps, appinventering, Hantera nätverksåtkomst, Windows Hello for Business, Azure AD Identity Protection, återställning av självbetjäningslösenord, flerfaktorsautentisering, VPN, Always On VPN, enhetens överensstämmelse, dataskydd, policy för enhetsöverensstämmelse, villkorlig åtkomst, inventeringsrapporter, överensstämmelserapporter, Intune Data Warehouse, Microsoft Graph API, Windows Information Protection, Encrypting File System, EFS, BitLocker, Microsoft Defender, Microsoft Defender för Endpoint, Microsoft Defender Application Guard, Microsoft Defender Exploit Guard, Windows Defender System Guard, Windows Defender Credential Guard, Microsoft Defender Antivirus, Windows Defender Firewall, Microsoft Defender för Cloud Apps, Distribution, Microsoft Deployment Toolkit, MDT, Windows Autopilot, prenumerationaktivering, förberedelsespaket, Windows Configuration Designer, MDM-registrering, Azure AD-anslutning, Ytterligare Endpoint Management Systems, övergång till modern endpoint-hantering, Azure AD-anslutning, Intune, co-management, Windows 365, Azure virtual desktop
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from 30 950 kr