
The Women of Learning Tree: Lisa Bazlamit

In honor of International Women's Day and the incredible female leaders we have at Learning Tree, we are going to showcase them through a series of blogs: The Women of Learning Tree.

Lisa Bazlamit

Title: Director, Customer Care and Sales Enablement

Years at Learning Tree: 29

Lisa Bazlamit

What do you think is the biggest challenge woman are facing today?

I think it's the age-old family/work balance.

What attributes do you take with you every day to work, and find the most important in succeeding?

Reliable, honest, hardworking and kind.

What is your biggest motivator?

Being a good role model for my daughter.

Who has been the biggest influence of your success?

My family.

Who are your ideal female icons? Do you have a specific role model?

I love Michelle Obama. She is a supportive wife yet very independent with her own voice and cause. Raising two daughters to think on their own and accomplish their dreams.

What does International Women's Day mean to you? Is it important that we have one?

It is important that we take the time to recognize the accomplishments of women while challenging ourselves to continue striving higher.

What advice would you give to any young woman who strives to be in a leadership position one day?

Before you can be a good leader, you must be a good follower. Learn from those around you, young and old. Ask questions. Don't be afraid of hard work and always give your best!